Chapter 1896 is too cute

   Ye Muyu said decisively.

  In her heart, outsiders are always inferior to family members.

  Chu Heng reached out and touched her cheek. Looking at the red lips, he couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her. After a while, it became red, swollen and moist.

  Ye Muyu licked her lips shyly, feeling her tongue was a little numb, and didn't realize how alluring her actions were.

  Chu Heng's eyes darkened, his Adam's apple slipped slightly, and his eyes touched her injured and bandaged arm. He resisted the urge to go further, and rubbed his forehead helplessly, really naughty.

   "Well, I see, you have helped me in this matter." Chu Heng has been collecting evidence these days.

  He was not going to expose it immediately.

  Although the investigation results were reported to Emperor Xuanming.

  But the other party did not give the next order, only let him secretly cover the people in this dark line to eliminate hidden dangers.

  Although he was busy finding these people, he didn't let go of searching for evidence by the way. The high-ranking officials and nobles involved in it didn't know, and he already had most of the evidence in his hands.

  Physical evidence is well controlled, but personal evidence is relatively troublesome, and most of him did not move.

"By the way, I met a young man in the hospital a few days ago. I sent someone to follow him, but there is no news yet, but I feel that the young man seems to have experienced similar things." Ye Muyu was embarrassed The words were too obvious, blushing slightly, finished speaking in one piece, and finally pinched Chu Heng's fingers as a finishing touch: "If there is any news from him, I will tell you."

   "Didn't you say that the victims also had good-looking men? After all, some people are very masculine..." Ye Muyu said, and really didn't want to continue talking.

  Chu Heng stretched out his hand and flicked her forehead.

  Ye Muyu subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her forehead in pain, "What are you doing? It hurts."

   "In the future, don't listen to such things." Chu Heng frowned, dissatisfied that someone told Ye Muyu these gossip contents.

  It’s not a healthy content at all, so why bother telling people’s ears.

  Ye Muyu thought to himself, what is disgusting is not homosexuality, but people who use methods to tarnish people's innocence.

   "Well, I just understand casually, and I won't do anything foolish." Ye Muyu reached out and pinched his ear.

   Originally, she wanted to tease him, but it turned out that Chu Heng's ears were getting redder and redder. As if she saw something rare, she smiled as soon as she rolled her eyes.

   "Hahaha... Ah Heng, you are actually shy..."

  As Master Chu, who has always been described as cold-faced and dark-hearted by his colleagues in the DPRK and China, he is actually shy.

  Seeing her smiling happily, Chu Heng leaned over and sealed her mouth with gloomy eyes.

  Ye Muyu didn't stop smiling because of this at all, but laughed even more happily.

  The laughter gradually changed from "ha ha ha" at the beginning to "uh huh" later.

  When Chu Heng sat up straight, with resentful eyes, without looking at her, and got up to open the door, Ye Muyu still couldn't stop laughing.

  She felt her neck hurt from looking at Chu Heng's back with her head tilted. After all, he was tall.

   Simply put your hands on the edge of the bed and sat up, smiling with crooked eyes: "Ah Heng, you are so cute."

  Sumei, who just helped bring in the supper: "..." Ma'am, what are you talking about.

  She couldn't help but looked up at the master.

   Seeing the other party still with that expressionless face, I thought to myself, this is right, how can the master use the word cute to describe it.

  Chu Heng didn't let the servants come in to serve him, and sat down at the table with the dumplings.

  (end of this chapter)

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