Chapter 1911 Strange

   "If it's true as you said, Deng Jieyu has a son, and the fifth prince is now favored by the emperor, how could she let herself be exposed for using witchcraft in the harem? This is a capital offense."

"At that time, there will be nothing left. If she is really smart, shouldn't she use it at a critical moment?" Ye Muyu only respected the emperor but did not fear it, so she only used ambiguous words to show that the emperor used Gu skills before his death. It would be nice to let the emperor leave a will for his son.

  After hearing her bold speech, Chu Heng reached out and pinched her cheek.

  It hurt so much that Ye Muyu hugged his hand quickly, trying to get her face back: "Ah, it hurts, let go."

   "Don't talk nonsense." Chu Heng warned with a smile.

  Ye Muyu snorted at him: "Didn't I say it so bluntly, I just hinted at you, I know the truth that disaster comes from the mouth."

   "What you said makes sense, but even Xiao Tianhao didn't find any evidence that Deng Jieyu was in contact with Gu insects. There must be more things in it."

   "Besides, sometimes, the timing changes all the time." Although Chu Heng said so, he analyzed countless possibilities in his heart.

  He thought of something, his eyes fixed, and he didn't continue the conversation with Ye Muyu, it was too sensitive.

   "Didn't you say that the stewed pork ribs and mung bean soup, I want to try it." Chu Heng was indeed a little hungry.

  Chu Heng handed the warm treasure to Chun Xing, and he led Ye Muyu into the kitchen.

  The big kitchen is very quiet, completely different from the scene of gossiping and chatting in the past.

  Hearing that Chu Heng wanted to taste the cured pork ribs and mung bean soup, the cook quickly took over the job: "Master, the servant is here, is it for you to take it to the front hall, or...?"

   "Let's serve, soup first."

  In addition to this kind of ordinary soup, there is also a medicinal soup for Ye Muyu to nourish his body.

  Arrived in the backyard, Ye Muyu hurried into the bathroom next door, yelling for a change of clothes, disgusted with the smell of oily smoke all over her body.

  Chu Heng went to pick out the clothes she wanted to change, handed them in, and worriedly called Sumei to go in to take care of Ye Muyu.

   "Don't wet the gauze on your arm." Chu Heng warned worriedly.

  Ye Muyu had already sat in the bathtub, and heard the unhappy retort: ​​"I'm not a child anymore."

Chu Heng shook his head helplessly, went back to the inner room, lit the incense, sat on the soft couch, and slowly grinded, various thoughts flashed through his mind, and when the ink was ready, he wrote several secret orders one after another to let the dark Wei went to check the location of King Huainan and others.

  At the same time, he sent several superstitious letters to Xiao Tianhao.

  Xiao Tianhao sat in the high hall of the yamen, looking at the booklets in front of him, all of which were things recently investigated by Longwei.

  Especially about the palace, ever since the rumor of Deng Jieyu using witchcraft, even the Queen Mother and Emperor Xuanming have clearly ordered that this is a rumor.

  But Emperor Xuanming doted on Deng Jieyu too much.

   The rumors have not been cut off in private at all. On the contrary, more and more people are talking about it, but they are all sneaky and don't show it on the surface.

   And at this time.

  Xiao Tianhao fished in troubled waters. When the Ministry of Internal Affairs investigated the identity of every palace official in the palace, he also took the opportunity to arrange his own manpower to investigate people who behaved strangely in the palace during this period.

  Especially the people in Deng Jieyu's palace.

  Xiao Tianhao found out the secret.

   He really found out something strange.

  Even the court lady who turned against Qi Zhaoyi back then, he found something strange.

  (end of this chapter)

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