Chapter 1913 Angry

  He Dequan was serving Deng Jieyu in the side hall. When he heard this voice, he was startled and hurried over. He saw Xiao Tianhao fainted on the ground, his head covered in blood. He didn't know whether he was alive or not. He didn't dare to meet the enraged Emperor Xuanming. He knelt down trembling.

  Deng Jieyu even walked over, and when she saw this scene, she exclaimed.

   "Your Majesty, don't be angry, it will hurt you."

  Emperor Xuanming said with a cold face, "He Dequan, show my concubine a seat."

   "Let someone take this rebellious minister who daringly speaks against me to prison."

  He Dequan didn't dare to say anything against it, so he hurriedly arranged for someone to come over.

  The guards escorted Xiao Tianhao down, while the palace servants hurriedly moved a stool for Deng Jieyu.

  He Dequan personally wiped Deng Jieyu's stool with his sleeve.

  Deng Jieyu was a little surprised, but she took the opportunity to sit down anyway. Naturally, she would not resist such a thing of improving her status by gaining face.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  Emperor Xuanming put his hands behind his back, his face was as black as ink, and he ordered He Dequan in a cold voice: "Pass down my password, demote Xiao Tianhao to a commoner, remove him from his official position, and expel him from the palace immediately."

  He Dequan was really shocked.

   Immediately following was the promotion of the deputy commander to the original official position of Xiao Tianhao.

He Dequan didn't know what Xiao Tianhao had done. The man who worked for the emperor for five years became a white body. Since Xiao Tianhao had offended so many people in the past, he was afraid that after leaving the palace, his life would not be safe. uncertain.

   But he dared not speak.

   He could only pass on the order with a sharp voice.

   "Get out."

   Emperor Xuanming only left Deng Jieyu.

   This incident caused a great sensation in both the harem and the former court.

  Deng Jieyu was also a little startled. She didn't do anything to Xiao Tianhao. To be precise, she wanted to do it, but she didn't do it yet. Why did Xiao Tianhao fall by himself first?

   "Your Majesty?" Deng Jieyu called out cautiously.

  Emperor Xuanming waved at her.

  Deng Jieyu looked at his tender eyes, and her heart softened. She stood up, walked towards him, and was dragged to sit beside him.

  Deng Jieyu struggled to get up: "Your majesty, this is not good, where can I sit on the dragon chair."

"I let you sit down." Emperor Xuan Ming frowned unhappily: "I know that the people in the harem and the former court think that I have lost my head in petting you, but after so many years of hard work, can't I even pamper my own woman? "

   "When the emperor was still alive, he did this kind of thing differently, but no courtiers objected. It can be seen that I have been too kind all these years." Emperor Xuanming squinted his eyes, flashing a murderous look.

  Deng Jieyu was extremely surprised. Obviously, she didn't expect that she would carefully coax her to develop a relationship with him, and even arouse the other party's arrogance and dissatisfaction. However, it is not surprising to think about it.

  Emperor Xuanming used to be rational, with the world in mind, and he was a ruler, but he was very indifferent to the women in the harem.

   Now, Deng Jieyu is happy and sarcastic seeing this man who was once aloof at last bowing down under her pomegranate skirt.

   "Your Majesty, my concubine will always support you. No matter what you want to do, my concubine will accompany you." Deng Jieyu snuggled into his arms, talking sweetly.

  The anger on Emperor Xuanming's face dissipated a bit: "What Aifei said is absolutely true."

   Two quarters of an hour later.

  Deng Jieyu left from the Imperial Study Room with a reward.

  She came out and met Chu Heng standing outside, as if he had just come to ask to see Emperor Xuanming.

  She narrowed her eyes, changed direction, and walked towards Chu Heng.

  (end of this chapter)

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