Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1915: Unexpected disaster

  Chapter 1915 Unexpected disaster

  Chu Heng didn't say much, and walked out of the palace, only halfway, he met Zhong Shoufu and Huo Zhengming who also entered the palace to meet the saint.

  Seeing the two of them, Chu Heng took the initiative to go forward to salute: "I have met Mr. Zhong Ge, Master."

   "Ziqiu, who is this?" Huo Zhengming saw the wound on his forehead, his eyelids twitched, he was worried, and somewhat speculative.

   "It's okay." Chu Heng shook his head lightly, not intending to say anything.

  But Mr. Zhong Ge obviously heard some rumors, looked at him, and asked after a while: "Did Master Chu go to see the emperor and want to leave the palace?"

   "...Yes." Chu Heng did not veto this time.

   The two of them didn't understand what happened.

  Old Zhong Ge frowned, feeling a little anxious, and was about to leave on the spot.

  Huo Zhengming looked at Chu Heng's injury, and persuaded him: "Ziqiu, take medicine after you go back, and you will recover soon. Your temper is just too tough. Don't be so bold next time, you know?"

   "Yes, Master." Chu Heng nodded, not quarreling with him, let alone persuading Mr. Zhong Ge.

  Zhong Ge was in a hurry to meet the saint, and Huo Zhengming was also worried that the emperor would really be addicted to beauty in the future, so he hurriedly left after saying a few words.

   Watching the two leave.

  In Chu Heng's eyes, there was no gloomy look that he had just pretended to be in, and a flash of thought flashed in his dark eyes, and he turned and strode away.

  Ye Muyu only heard about Xiao Tianhao's dismissal in the afternoon, Chu Heng's Miansheng was smashed, and Zhong Ge's old Miansheng went in with a pale face and red face angrily, and was helped out by Huo Zhengming.

   "Ma'am, the ointment is ready, and this servant will arrange for someone to give it to the master."

  Sumei saw Ye Muyu walking around the room twice, and when she was still thinking about what she didn't bring, she looked at the items in the basket and decisively reminded her.

  Ye Muyu confirmed again and again: "Is there anything missing?"

   "Ma'am, everything is ready, nothing is missed." Sumei said with certainty.

  She knew that Ye Muyu was so anxious because she was worried.

   "That's fine, you can arrange it."

  Ye Muyu was actually not very worried about what happened to Chu Heng, but felt sorry for him. What Chu Heng did in these years was not for the court, for the people, or for the emperor.

  At least, in the matter of being an official, Chu Heng didn't feel sorry for anyone.

  Emperor Xuanming was quite a sensible emperor in the past, why is his mood so unstable recently?

  Ye Muyu had to think too much, thinking of Southern Border Gu Art.

  She originally thought that no matter how powerful Deng Jieyu was, there would definitely be traces of Deng Jieyu using Gu worms. After seeing a doctor, at least some traces could be detected.

   However, according to what Chu Heng said, so many imperial doctors in the palace had examined the bodies of those palace people involved in the case before, but they couldn't find any clues.

  Even if he is a young prince, if he is not in good health, he can still find out that it has something to do with Gu worms.

   Could it be that there are other unknown forces cooperating with Deng Jieyu?

  Ye Muyu played with Nuanbao for a while, but couldn't get interested.

   It wasn't until the servant arranged by Sumei came back and told her that Chu Heng's injury was not serious that he breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Ma'am, don't worry, the adult's injury is only red and swollen, and the skin is not broken. It will be fine after a few days." Sumei fanned her beside her and persuaded her softly.

   "It's really an innocent disaster." Ye Muyu pursed her lips, and she spoke in a very low voice, only she heard it.

  Who knows if there is a dragon guard who supervises all officials at home.

   "Did he have lunch?"

  Sumei had already prepared: "The servant asked someone to ask, the master eats at the Yamen at noon."

  (end of this chapter)

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