Chapter 1923 Huainan King

  The Deng family and others are discussing Chu Heng's transfer.

  However, this matter was not discussed for too long, and soon, all the attention was put on Huainan Wang who came to Beijing.

   King Huainan rode a fine horse, and with dozens of personal guards behind him, he drove side by side with Prince Beirong, accompanied by King Rong, and entered the capital.

  Both sides of the road in the capital are full of people watching the excitement.

  Prince Beirong entered the capital again, accompanied by a subordinate who was very proficient in Dachu Mandarin.

   "Prince Rong, I don't know when will I be able to see Prince Qi?" The prince of Beirong obviously didn't want to give Prince Rong any face, and his attitude was clear at a glance who he was closer to.

  Li Chongjin's complexion remained unchanged.

   "The king will send the prince to the post station to rest later, and whoever the prince wants to see can be arranged at will."

  Prince Bei Rong seemed very interested in his lack of resistance when he heard the words: "Oh? Is that so? Can Prince Rong help send a message to King Qi, saying that the king is waiting for him at the post."

   "If the prince insists on doing this, the king will arrange for the servants at the post station to help with the interrogation." Li Chongjin did not waver at all about the temptation in his words.

   He was not angry because of this, nor did he feel a sense of crisis because of his words, and wanted to fight with King Qi.

  The reaction was too calm, making Prince Beirong uncertain whether he was really not interested in that position, or whether he didn't take himself and others seriously.

  Obviously, as the heir, the prince of Beirong would not believe that a prince, especially one who is not weak in competitiveness, would not want to take that position.

  Prince Beirong smiled and said nothing.

  Although King Huainan is middle-aged, he is in good spirits. He is dressed in iron-blooded armor, showing majesty all over his body, and he looks like he has walked out of the battlefield.

  He looks serious, and King Rong is a man of few words.

   All the way to the station, Prince Beirong was sent in to rest.

   Only then did King Rong speak: "My lord, father is already waiting in the palace."

   "The minister will enter the palace to have an audience." King Huainan still showed no extra expression, cupped his hands, followed a group of officials from the Ministry of Rites, and entered the palace.

   King Rong also needed to enter the palace to report the news.

   When entering the palace, I received a message.

  Behind him were those who served him, who were rarely silent.

  Walking halfway, King Huainan suddenly asked, "What's on your mind?"

   King Rong raised his eyes and looked at him expressionlessly: "What does Uncle Wang mean?"

  Although King Huainan is not a member of the royal family, as the only king with a different surname, it is okay for King Rong to call him Uncle Wang.

Before King Huainan entered the palace, he took off all the weapons on his body. He subconsciously paused the hand touching the hilt, touched his sleeve, and shook his head slightly, still honest and calm: "No, I just saw the prince He seems to have something on his mind, so I am concerned and asked."

   "Uncle Wang wants to know about the recent situation in the capital?" King Rong raised his eyebrows, talking about such a secret topic without any politeness.

   King Huainan was stunned for a moment, then smiled suddenly: "My lord has grown up, and I can still speak directly to my heart, I am very happy."

  King Rong had a stiff face, and he couldn't deny his words, but a sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Don't think too much, I have no intention of talking to you about the past at all."

   "But since you just came to the capital and don't know anything, I can kindly remind you."

   "The current capital city is not as peaceful as it used to be. Even Master Chu, who has always been prudent, has been affected."

  (end of this chapter)

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