Chapter 1940 Excuse

  Otherwise, he can take this opportunity to seize the handle of the Anderhou Mansion. "

   "If King Rong also goes, Qi Shangshu will definitely be anxious, and will not let go of such a good opportunity."

   "Not bad." Chu Heng put one hand on his waist, rubbing it slightly, with a soft light in his eyes.

   "I have sent the news to King Rong, as for the other party's decision, it is not up to me." Although Chu Heng said so, Ye Muyu always felt that he was calculating.

Ye Muyu leaned on his shoulders, blew on his neck, and said kind words very flatteringly: "Ah Heng, you are really amazing. Having such a good official like you is a blessing to the common people, and it is also a blessing to me. , you are the best."

  Chu Heng was heartbroken when he heard this.

   It's just that Ye Muyu never said such blunt praise in the past.

  He suddenly thought of something, and raised his eyebrows: "Ah Yu, it's a pity, your husband and I have been rejected by the emperor, so I can only go to the Ministry of War."

"Ahem, Ah Heng, you are definitely a mediocre person, and the Ministry of War is also very powerful." Ye Muyu quickly comforted, although it seems that he is not as good as the Ministry of Households, but from Ye Muyu's eyes, the famous official in history , Which one is not rich in experience, entering the military department, one of the six departments, is not a bad thing for Chu Heng.

"However, don't worry, although you have just been transferred, Ah Heng, you don't have enough prestige, and neither the children nor I will hold you back. You can see whether you need money or our support for other things, just say it." Ye Muyu patted her chest , as if you just asked for it.

  Chu Heng looked at her meaningfully, and pinched the roots of his ears with his fingers.

  Ye Muyu felt a little itchy, and subconsciously hid.

   But no matter how you hide, you can't hide in Chu Heng's arms.

   "It turns out that you already knew about my transfer, Ayu, and you didn't dare to tell you." Chu Heng looked desolate, and almost wrote on his face, I am sorry for my family and failed to keep my official position in the household department.

   Even though Ye Muyu guessed that he might be pretending on purpose, she still couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Ah Heng, why don't you dare, we are a family." Ye Muyu patted his shoulder domineeringly, scratched his head, there were too few words of comfort, she was afraid that Chu Hengzhen would be affected, so she carefully observed his reaction.

  Chu Heng looked at her movedly: "Ayu, you are so kind, so it seems that the pot tonight was intended to comfort me?"

   "Then, are you happy?" Ye Muyu swallowed, and asked casually.

  After Ye Muyu asked, she realized that she had exposed her previous plan, so she hurriedly shut her mouth.

  Chu Heng let out a joyful laugh from his throat. Looking at her crooked eyes, she didn't look like she was just lost. He rubbed her hot ears with his fingers, and said in a deep and magnetic voice, "I'm very happy, thank you for your comfort."

   "Hmph, because you're in a bad mood, I won't argue with you." Ye Muyu didn't realize that he just deliberately teased herself.

  There was a haughty snort on his face, but he heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

   After all, she couldn't bear Chu Heng's displeasure.

  Here, Chu Heng coaxed Ye Muyu to cooperate with him.

  Enter Anderhou's residence.

   During the climax of the banquet, two unexpected guests were welcomed.

  When King Qi and King Rong visited the mansion one after another, because they came so suddenly, even if the Andehou Mansion wanted to hide the existence of the banquet, when the two princes made excuses, they couldn't stop it at all.

   King Rong's excuse was very simple.

  (end of this chapter)

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