Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1956: Past grievances

  Chapter 1956 Past grievances

  This attitude made Dali Siqing choke, and wanted to continue to yell at him. He had no idea why King Huainan, who had always been loyal to the emperor and patriotic, would come to this point.

  If he hadn't admired King Huainan before, he would definitely not say this much.

  Huainan Wang pulled out half of the hilt of his sword and looked at him with an obvious attitude, with a murderous look in his eyes.

   Dali Siqing's lips trembled: "..." The sincerity was paid in vain!

   "I'll interrogate!" Dali Siqing gritted his teeth and almost bit his mouth open.

   Directly mentioned a few ordinary people who rode horses and hurt people in the street, and asked directly, "Why did you hurt Mrs. Wang's family members?"

   "Damn him, my daughter was taken away just to sell embroidery, and was finally tortured to death by Wang Jue, a beast." One of the middle-aged men gritted his teeth, his mouth was full of blood, and his eyes were shattered.

   "Is there any evidence?" When Dali Siqing heard this, he felt that the possibility of truth was relatively high.

   After all, the trouble was brought up in front of the emperor, how could it be a lie, King Huainan dared to rebel, it is impossible to lie about this kind of thing.

   After all, if you really support your own people to sit on the throne, you can deal with the Wang family at will.

   Even the Minister of the Ministry of Justice can become the soul of the dead under the sword.

   "This is physical evidence." The middle-aged man presented the evidence.

   "These two servants are the witnesses. They were the ones who sent my daughter to the Wang Mansion!"

   Immediately afterwards, nearly twenty people were interrogated.

   They were all the sons or daughters of the family, and they were all played with by these dignitaries until they died. The main ones involved were the Zhang family, the Wang family, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and the four families of Ande Houfu.

   There are also a few dudes who rely on their titles for a living.

  After the interrogation, Dali Siqing was sweating profusely.

  Actually, he had heard about such things in the capital, but after all, there were too many people involved, so how could he, a third-rank official, be able to manage it? Even if someone sued, the memorial he handed over would be intercepted halfway.

  Although he was angry, there was nothing he could do.

   Pull out the nail, how many victims have to be brought out.

   "Who are you, but you have grievances to sue." Dali Siqing under great pressure, did not dare to look up at Emperor Xuanming, but secretly glanced at King Huainan next to him.

  Huainan Wang is middle-aged, and his appearance belongs to the honest one. When he doesn't speak, he doesn't appear majestic, but rather gentle.

   "The concubine's real name is Xiang Anwan, and she is the eldest daughter of Xiang Zhicong, the former servant of the Criminal Ministry. Because her father didn't want Mr. Zhang to take a concubine as a concubine, Mr. Zhang played tricks and got his father dismissed from office."

   "I thought this matter was over, who knows, Mr. Zhang is not willing to let our family go, and after the whole family left the city, they took our family away."

   Speaking of this to An Wan, she gritted her teeth with hatred, wishing to eat the flesh and blood of these people.

   Just because her family members are all good-looking.

  So, none of her brothers and sisters escaped the fate of being played with?


  Huainan Wang looked at her with eyes full of pain, his voice choked up: "An Wan, I am the one who is sorry for you."

"Since you're sorry for me, help me kill these people." Xiang Anwan suddenly laughed, and looked directly at Emperor Xuanming, who was above him, with malice in his eyes: "The people in the world call you Mingjun, my father never If you are not sorry to the emperor, and you are not sorry to the people, you will be harmed."

  (end of this chapter)

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