Chapter 1958 Persuasion

  Xiang Anwan thought of her elder brother and younger brother who were tortured before death, looking at Prince Anderhou, she wished to eat his flesh and blood!

   "I'm going to kill him!" Xiang Anwan looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

  Huainan King nodded: "An Wan, I'll come."

   As he said that, King Huainan also ordered his subordinates to tie Prince Anderhou to the frame, with a blood-filled device underneath.

   "No, Your Majesty, help, help..." No matter how hard Prince Anderhou was, at this moment he was treated as soft meat and placed on the chopping board, and he couldn't keep his composure.

  He looked into An Wan's eyes, as if being targeted by a poisonous snake.

   This poisonous snake will also drag him to hell.

   This feeling of despair, he has only experienced once in his life.

  In despair and fear, he instinctively asked Emperor Xuanming for help.

  Even if King Huainan rebelled, Emperor Xuanming must have a dragon guard by his side. As long as Emperor Xuanming is willing, he can be rescued.

   "Your Majesty, Father, save me!" Prince Anderhou had already been stripped of his clothes and tied to the frame.

  Emperor Xuanming only watched what happened below with sharp eyes, completely indifferent, and profoundly demonstrated what is called the ruthlessness of an emperor.

  Andhou was scared to pee a long time ago.

  Where is the ability to save her.

   "Ah!" The first piece of flesh and blood was peeled off.

   King Huainan's movements were fast and fast.

   Prince Ander Hou looked at Xiang Anwan: "Xiang Anwan, don't you want to see your elder brother? He is still alive! As long as you let me go, I will tell you where he is!"

   "You still want to lie to me, I knew it a long time ago, my elder brother has no bones left, and you are looking for someone who looks similar to my elder brother, you bastard!"

   "My lord, do it!" Xiang An Wan said viciously.

  King Huainan didn't hesitate any longer. With a knife, the sharp blade landed on Prince Andehou's body, dripping with blood. His scream made King Huainan frowned. He directly took a piece of cloth and stuffed it into the opponent's mouth.

  The son of Anderhou was completely abandoned.

  Even if he still wanted to find a chance to save himself, his mouth was blocked, and no one could understand him anymore.

  Even Emperor Xuanming acquiesced, who would let him go in the hands of Xiang Anwan, who hated him to the bone.

  The son of Anderhou, his eyes widened, with despair and madness.

The Minister of Dali Temple was stunned when he saw Zhang Zhonghai destroyed with his own eyes, and now he was hanging his breath. He thought that King Huainan and Miss Xiang's family meant to send these criminal officials to noon. To execute at the door, at least the crimes of these officials should be announced, so that they will be infamous for thousands of years.

  Who knows, Miss Xiang Jia slashed Zhang Zhonghai, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, directly with her sword.

   Now he is still in the imperial study, in front of the emperor, directly executes the son of An Dehou Ling Chi.

  The Minister of Dali Temple looked at Emperor Xuanming in fear, looked at him, and looked at this scene full of anger, feeling a little terrified in his heart for some reason.

   I had an ominous premonition in my heart.

  He was so blessed that he suddenly reprimanded: "King Huainan, you are presumptuous! This is the Imperial Study Room, how can it be the prison of the Ministry of Punishment?"

   King Huainan didn't respond, his actions still didn't stop, and he was a qualified villain.

   Xiang Anwan seemed to be stimulated by his words, and stabbed at him with the sword.

Dali Siqing's face turned pale with fright, and he quickly dodged to the side, but still cut his arm, and blood trickled out. He only felt scared for a while, and hurriedly protected his arms and hid behind Long Wei: "Miss Xiang, the emperor has given you a lot Save face, you should also pay attention to the location."

   "Your hatred was not caused by the emperor."

  (end of this chapter)

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