Chapter 1968 Windfall

  Qi Shangshu choked, his face turned ugly, he really couldn't refute this.

"What's more, Prince Rong doesn't have much sense of existence, so it won't be strange even if he disappears for a month, and the Great Prince and the Second Prince prefer to be in their respective residences. They are not ostentatious people, and no one will care if they disappear. .”

  Mr. Zhong Ge found all the reasons.

   No matter how unwilling Qi Shangshu was, he had no choice but to nod his head in agreement.

At this moment, he can only hope that the king of Qi must hide the news from Prince Beirong, even if he will offend him, but if there is a mistake in such a major event, he will definitely lose his sacred heart, and he will go one step ahead of time Didn't King Rong of the Northland take advantage of the great prince and the second prince in vain?

  Although he said so, Qi Shangshu actually knew that among the three princes, King Rong was the most competitive.

   After all, King Rong had been in the Northwest Army for more than a year, and that was where he was stationed. Because supplies were scarce and the place was bitterly cold, there was basically no taxation, which was not as good as Jiangnan.

  But he didn't doubt that King Rong's martial arts were not bad.

   At least better than King Qi.

  If King Rong went to the Northern Army, it would be much easier for King Qi to gain military merit.


   Only half a month in advance, he can send his own people from the north to embarrass King Rong. King Rong is alone and has no help. How can he conquer military power?

   When Qi Shangshu thought about it, his heart instantly felt happy.

  Even after the morning court, when I met King Qi and talked about it with him, I was not so angry anymore.

  However, he still did not forget to tell: "My lord, although we need to rely on the prince of Beirong to cooperate together, we cannot let the prince of Beirong learn any news from us and take advantage of us."

   "This king understands." The words that King Qi reminded Qi Shangshu had a weird feeling.

  Comparing Da Chu with his own personal interests, he didn't need to hesitate at all, so he naturally chose Da Chu.

  Uncle reminded him so alone, as if he was a person who would have no bottom line in order to sit in that position.

   This side.

   Taifu Deng came out of the palace and returned to the mansion, still a little worried.

   For a while, he was worried that the matter of King Huainan and Andehou's mansion would involve his own mansion, and for a while he was not sure what the emperor was thinking.

   Not only that, I thought these two things were bad enough.

  Who knew there could be worse.

  The emperor has already thought about training the prince!

  This is completely different from the previous emperor who worked hard and didn't worry about anything.

  As soon as this incident happened, most of the officials actually had a premonition that the emperor might have changed his mind.

  A male lion will never allow a stronger and younger male lion to fight for hegemony. If the old male lion backs down, it is definitely because the old male lion has an old mentality and begins to be unable to do what he wants.

   This is not a good sign!

  Even if the fifth prince of his family wants to take the throne, it will take five or six years.

  After all, even if he is assisting the government, the emperor cannot be a three-year-old baby who can't even speak clearly.

   Isn't this Sima Zhao's heart known to everyone?

   "Where's Deng Rong?" Mrs. Deng went straight to the backyard when he got home, and asked about the whereabouts of his eldest son.

   Mrs. Deng's family was terrified because of yesterday's turmoil, and now they dare not leave the house. When seeing Mrs. Deng go out in the morning, Mrs. Deng was still a little guilty, for fear that Mrs. Deng would have an accident.

  Hearing what her husband said at this moment, she hurriedly said: "You are at home, how dare you go out, what if you are retaliated against?"

  (end of this chapter)

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