Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 1982: won the position

  Chapter 1982 won the position

   It takes a lot of money to buy land.

  Ye Muyu took out ten thousand taels.

  Leave it to Tang Dongfeng to buy land. She doesn't have high requirements for buying land, but Tang Dongfeng suggests that you should check Feng Shui in advance.

  This kind of thing is actually quite strenuous, and requires someone to guard it in person.

   Tang Dongfeng took the job, and soon after he came back, he had to go on a long trip again.

  He brought a few more people to train this time, all of whom have been screened for character. These people will be responsible for going around to check the situation on Zhuangzi in the future.

  Of course, for each Zhuangzi, a housekeeper needs to be selected to take care of Zhuangzi.

  The prices in the capital are expensive.

  Land is more expensive.

  The land outside the city has a price of 221 mu, and most of it has been divided by officials.

  But the farther away from the capital, especially to the north, the cheaper the land price.

  When you arrive in the south of the Yangtze River, it will be more expensive. The land in the south of the Yangtze River is less and more people, plus the products are abundant, and there are more rich people, so the land is naturally more expensive.

  However, what Ye Muyu considers is that the purpose of buying land in each place is to allow the village to provide the output of the shop, and by the way affect the lives of the people around.

   There are many such examples.

  Many people actually came here following the planting conditions of the landlord's house.

  In some places, silkworms are raised for a living, and most of them know how to raise silkworms.

  Someone takes the lead, don’t worry about not being able to sell, and the people will naturally want to make money, not to mention that almost all of Dachu has been replaced with high-yield grain.

  Double than before, naturally one or two acres of land can be vacated to plant other products.

   Zhou Tianqi's case ended five days later.

  Hu Hua could not find evidence to prove his innocence.

   Zhou Tianqi was able to find evidence to prove his innocence.

  Finally Dali Temple ruled Zhou Tianqi innocent, but in the end the Beirong people ran out for a mile and punished Zhou Tianqi with half a month's salary.

   But Hu Hua is different.

   It was just when Emperor Xuanming was in a bad mood.

  He was immediately dismissed from the official position, and stayed at home with leisure.

  After Hu Hua returned to Hu's house, he was so angry that he dropped many things.

   He wanted to find a way to restore his original job, but even Xiang Cheng refused.

  Because at this time, Chu Heng directly persuaded Mr. Zhong Ge to nominate Zhou Tianqi as the Minister of War.

   As a result, the situation in the Ministry of War instantly became a confrontation between two and two.

  After leaving the morning court, he followed Xiang Cheng back to the Ministry of War.

  The smile on Xiang Cheng's face disappeared in an instant, and he looked at Chu Heng with some meaning: "Master Chu really deserves to be Master Chu, and he was able to do this in such a short time."

   "Master Xiang, I think you have misunderstood. We have no conflicts in the first place. The subordinate just wants to do business in the Ministry of War. This should not conflict with you, sir." Chu Heng said sincerely.

  Xiang Cheng sneered: "Master Chu will always be like this, and he doesn't know when he will suffer."

   "Master Xiang, have you ever thought that sometimes bad things are not bad things." Chu Heng knew that Xiang Cheng was very angry at the moment.

  The thinking of these officials is also simple. To accumulate their contacts, they may not want to be constrained at the beginning, but after a long time in power, they may be addicted to power and cannot extricate themselves.

   Thus forming a party for personal gain.

  Chu Heng really doesn't intend to fight against Xiang Cheng, one less enemy will save less trouble.

   He also doesn't like to deal with a colleague when he meets him.

   "Really, I will return this sentence to Master Chu. A moment of complacency may not last long." Xiang Cheng shook his sleeves and left, snorting coldly.

  Chu Heng didn't take it to heart.

  (end of this chapter)

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