Chapter 1992 Inspection

  Wang Yuanyuan simply pulled Mrs. Zhou and rushed to the back kitchen.

   "Yuanyuan, just it Master Chu and Ah Yu?" Mrs. Zhou blushed belatedly, that kind of intimate behavior made her not only shocked, but also a little... gossip.

   "Yes." Wang Yuanyuan didn't notice her abnormality, mainly because she was used to the situation of the two loving each other, but seeing Ye Muyu being taken away by Chu Heng now, she was used to it.

  The first reaction was not strange, but seeing Chu Heng's expression, she was a little worried that something bad had happened.

  Ms. Zhou was embarrassed to ask about other people's private affairs, but this incident had a big impact on her heart.

   Inexplicably remembered the rumors in the capital.

   It is said that Mr. Chu is a strict wife.

  In the past, she only thought that Mr. Chu had a gentle temperament, was in harmony with Mrs. Chu's family, and respected each other like a guest.

  The same goes for her and her husband.

  But after seeing her today, she realized that there seems to be a more intimate relationship.

  It's like, she always thought that the estrus between men and women ends with courtesy, but she never thought that there would be such intimacy and mutual concern.

   I have to say that she was touched when she saw this scene, and she was inexplicably envious.

   Waited until the yard of the back kitchen.

   There were still some traces left untouched. Wang Yuanyuan happened to see Sumei sitting on the stone bench, and a doctor applied medicine to her, so she quickly asked, "Sumei, what happened? Is Ayu okay?"

   "Mrs. Xie, Mrs. Zhou, are you all right?" Sumei hurriedly stood up, preventing Lu Chuan from following.

  Before things happened in a hurry.

  She didn't have time to manage the situation of the guests, she just thought that the master arranged for someone to go.

  Seeing that Wang Yuanyuan and the two came here in person, I was also a little surprised.

   Lu Chuan held the gauze in his hand and stood there tangled up. He didn't walk over to delay Sumei's work, but he was somewhat worried.

  Wang Yuanyuan hurriedly told about the noise she heard in the guest room, but no assassin appeared in the guest room.

   "Madam is fine."

Just as Lu Chuan received the news, he came up and calmed the emotions of several people with a smile: "The master has already sent someone to solve it, the two ladies don't have to worry, after that the master will send guards to protect the safety of the ladies in the yard, so you can relax in the hot spring. "

  Lu Chuan was calm and composed, without the slightest panic.

  The confidence on Wang Yuanyuan's face slowly dissipated Wang Yuanyuan's originally worried emotions.

  The reason is very simple, this is Chu Heng's place.

  Those assassins failed the first time, but they couldn’t hurt anyone. At least none of Chu Heng’s subordinates had an accident, and the solution was completed within such a short period of time.

   It is enough to see Chu Heng's methods, and they must be safe now.

   Madam Zhou also slowed down. She heard that Ye Muyu was fine, but she didn't really believe it, but she didn't ask any more questions, and kept quiet in a sensible way, and didn't cause trouble to the master.

  Lu Chuan sent someone to send Wang Yuanyuan and Mrs. Zhou back to the guest room.

   Along the way, you can indeed see guards standing around.

   Obviously, additional manpower was deployed.

  The whole house is not big, and the manpower is relatively loose.

   This side.

  Chu Heng carried Ye Muyu straight into the inner room, put her on the side of the bed, waited for her to sit down, reached out and rolled up her sleeves, and looked at her injured hand.

   "Does it hurt?" Chu Heng reached out and squeezed her arm.

   It actually hurt a little bit, but it wasn't serious, it was just sprained, and it didn't hurt the bone, just a minor injury.

   "It doesn't hurt, I'm really not hurt."

  (end of this chapter)

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