Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2004: pull into the water

  Chapter 2004 Pulled into the water

  Because they went to play mahjong in the afternoon.

  In the evening, a few people plan to soak in the hot spring for a while, and let the servants massage before resting.

   This time out for a trip, Ye Muyu stayed for five full days before returning to the capital.

  When she returned to the capital, she received a letter from Chu Jin.

  Chu Jin is still planning to go to sea with the merchant ship, and he doesn’t want to come to the capital to study, but he promises that he will study **** the way, and he will go to study and take the imperial examination when he comes back.

   Ye Muyu told Chu Heng about this, and he still sighed in his heart that this kid was so courageous: "When I was his age, I never thought of running so far."

   After all, ancient times are not modern times, and going to sea is very dangerous.

   Saying that, Ye Muyu became a little worried again.

  Even if he knew he was worried, he couldn't stop the child's determination.

   "He is willing to go, so he investigated the danger inside. I sent some helpers there, maybe I can really gain something." Since Chu Heng agreed, he will not be hesitant.

  Sent people over early.

This time, Chu Jin’s boat is a big one. He cooperates with Master Zhou Zhou. Apart from Zhou’s family, only the Chu family’s own people are left. There are also other caravans traveling together, but they can avoid some troubles if they are separated. .

  Ye Muyu thought about it, and felt that the only thing she could do was to provide some first aid knowledge.

  At the beginning, Chu Jin went to Hangzhou to build a ship, and this time Chu Zhang also went. Three months ago, Chu Zhang married the daughter of the county magistrate, and there was a lively trip in the county at that time.

   Now that Chuzhang’s wife is pregnant, Chuzhang has learned a lot about shipbuilding himself. He had a hard time being a scholar before, but he is very talented in learning about shipbuilding. I don’t know how the two husband and wife discussed it.

  Chu Zhang is ready to go with him.

  Seeing that Chu Zhang has taken care of the family by himself, no one objected, and his wife and children are taken care of by parents, even if Ye Muyu thinks that it is best for him as a husband to stay with his wife and children, she will not say anything to stop her.

   It's just that the eyes looking at Chu Heng are more gentle. After all, Chu Heng usually doesn't want to part with her for too long when he has nothing to do.

Some knowledge of the sea, as well as geographical maps, Ye Muyu passed on some time ago, and let Chu Jin figure it out by himself. Although it does not completely match some world maps of later generations, it has a better understanding of the world than this era. It is also more in line with the actual situation of this era.

   On the contrary, it is more suitable for Chu Jin to use. After all, it is asked from overseas population, which is more practical.

  Ye Muyu asked the clothes shop to hurry up and make some clothes.

   Send it to Chu Jin with an envelope.

   "Ah Heng, are parents coming to the capital?" Ye Muyu asked while finishing the letter and putting it in an envelope.

  If the parents want to come, she will arrange for someone to clean out the yard where the two lived before.

  Although there is regular cleaning at ordinary times, after all, there is no one to live in for a long time, and some missing items must be filled.

  Chu Heng is finishing correcting official duties.

  Recently, Qi Shangshu and Deng's family have had a bit of trouble.

   King Qi didn't know how he got the news that the Deng family would plot against him, so he took advantage of the situation and pulled the Deng family down.

   The trouble went directly to Emperor Xuanming.

  Emperor Xuanming, who had not dealt with the Deng family before, directly handed over the follow-up case of King Huainan to the Deng family this time.

   Even on the surface, Huainan Wang and others were directly accused of crimes.

  And the descendants of King Huainan.

  (end of this chapter)

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