Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2008: seek skin with a tiger

  Chapter 2008 Seeking Skin with a Tiger

  As an old fox, Qi Shangshu has never been a good person, not to mention that there are still conflicts between the two of them. If you cooperate with him, you might not be doing things for the other party?

  What's more, this kind of matter of handing over the handle to Qi Shangshu, does Qi Shangshu really think that he is very simple?

  Actually, Qi Shangshu didn’t think that Chu Heng was innocent, but after investigating Chu Heng, he realized that he and Ye Muyu really had a good relationship.

   It is natural to know that the relationship between the two is really good.

  Because of this, Qi Shangshu felt that the matter involving Ye Muyu would definitely make Chu Heng lose his usual sanity.

   In this way, if you take the opportunity to cooperate with Chu Heng now, the other party may be able to agree.

   But in fact, the more things about Ye Muyu were involved, the calmer Chu Heng became. Only by being calm can he quickly deal with those hands-on dross.

   "It's very bullying." Chu Heng agreed with this sentence.

Qi Shangshu thought that he was persuaded by himself, and felt a little more contempt in his heart, and continued to persuade: "Well, who doesn't know that you are good to your family, Mr. Chu, but in the end, the Deng family also attacked your family. Isn't this a deliberate provocation? ?”

  Chu Heng really showed a face of displeasure.

   With a sullen look, people dare not approach easily.

   Qi Shangshu gets what he wants.

  After a few perfunctory sentences, he didn't say anything to Chu Heng. He found a reason and left the palace first.

  Chu Heng pondered for a while, how Qi Shangshu would 'unite' with him.

   When he walked out of the palace, he saw the butler of the Qi family waiting beside his carriage.

  Chu Heng almost guessed it.

   "Lord Chu, this is a gift from my lord, I hope you like it." The butler of the Qi Mansion was very kind.

  But Chu Heng just lowered his head and glanced, his expression was indifferent: "Master Qi, you are welcome, what are these things?"

  The housekeeper of the Qi Mansion originally intended to leave after delivering the things, and it was enough to give outsiders the impression that Qi Shangshu and Chu Heng were in contact.

  Seeing that Chu Heng didn't answer, but asked out in public instead, the polite smile froze at the corner of his mouth.

  The housekeeper of Suo Xing Qi Mansion is also a fine person, he reacted quickly, and smiled again: "My lord heard that Master Chu was frightened when he met the assassins this time, so he specially went to investigate the identities of those assassins. It should be useful to you, Master Chu."

  His mission is to come and befriend Chu Heng.

   Naturally, I don't care about disclosing it in public.

Hearing this, Chu Heng smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Qi, I have already reported this matter to the official, and it is just right to send this thing, but after all, I will not be rewarded for my merits. Last time, I got a century-old ginseng. It's just a thank you."

  The butler of the Qi Mansion froze.

   also realized that Chu Heng was still unwilling to accept the kindness.

   The two are clearly separated.

   Also sent this list to the Yamen.

   At that time, wouldn't you put your own family's contacts on the bright side?

   This is not the purpose of my adults.

  The butler of the Qi Mansion felt in a dilemma and didn't want to hand things over to Chu Heng.

   Lu Chuan, who was waiting next to him, didn't give him a chance to regret it.

   directly accepted the list, and arranged for someone to go back to get ginseng and send it to Qi Mansion.

   "Please, Steward Qi, go back and thank Lord Qi." Chu Heng directly arranged for someone to send him away as if he didn't see the displeasure of the housekeeper of Qi's residence.

  If Steward Qi doesn't want to, he will leave.

  Looking at the back of Butler Qi leaving, Lu Chuan asked: "My lord, are these things really going to be sent to the Yamen?"

  (end of this chapter)

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