Chapter 2020 Soldiers

  Even if he had to deal with that matter, he would not use him, and then deal with the Deng family.

   Now is the best time to collect evidence of the Deng family's violation of Emperor Xuanming's orders.

  Taifu Deng's family is not a good person, this kind of people can't control themselves even more, and the possibility of making mistakes is very high.

  In the afternoon, Chu Heng brought the book into the palace again.

  I also did not see Emperor Xuanming this time.

   Even so, Chu Heng was not discouraged or angry at all, but left some precious medicinal materials and told Emperor Xuanming to take care of his health.

  He Dequan went to report the news to Emperor Xuanming in fear.

   Not forgetting to present all kinds of medicinal materials to the Holy Word.

  The little father-in-law, who was holding the medicinal materials next to him, lowered his head, not daring to make a sound.

  It was Emperor Xuanming who listened to He Dequan's words, sat on the dragon chair with his chin propped on his hands, and casually asked He Dequan to present the medicinal materials.

  He flipped through the medicinal materials casually, suddenly sneered, and waved his hand: "Take the things down, I'm not sick enough to need courtiers to deliver medicine to me."

  He Dequan: "..."

  He expressed silent condolences for Master Chu in his heart. He didn’t know how Master Chu provoked the emperor. He was caught by Taifu Deng and sued him.

  He Dequan was thinking in his heart, should he remind Master Chu when he meets Master Chu in the future, even if he can't appease the emperor, don't continue to provoke the emperor.

  He Dequan just had this idea.

  From the corner of the eye, I saw Emperor Xuanming's sinister eyes, his heart almost suffocated, and he didn't dare to do anything for a moment, this is a fatal thing.

  Chu Heng got the news that the emperor was angry from Xiao Tianhao not long after leaving the palace.

  He wasn't surprised at all, he even expected it. If the current emperor wasn't angry, he would have seen him long ago.

  Since he is angry, no matter what he is doing, the emperor will be unhappy.

   But that doesn't mean it's bad news.

  The real bad news is that the emperor turned a blind eye to what he did, and he was no longer angry, so he could only use him. At this time, he could suddenly change his mind and make false claims with him.

  So after Chu Heng got the news, he thanked Xiao Tianhao first, and then let the other party ignore him, he knew it.

  Xiao Tianhao was speechless when he received the letter: "..."

   "Do you think Mr. Chu is dissatisfied with the emperor's kindness to Taifu Deng, so he did these things on purpose?"

  Deputy leader: "My lord, my subordinates can't guess what Master Chu is thinking."

"Well, actually, I can understand. After all, Master Chu is very loyal. Although he is sad to be suspected suddenly, he still cares about the emperor as usual, but he doesn't take into account taboos. After all, the emperor has an entire imperial medical office. He delivers medicine."

  Deputy leader: "Perhaps Mr. Chu is out of his mind because of his grief?"

"...Forget it, since I'm not allowed to take care of it, it's not good for me to take care of it all of a sudden." Xiao Tianhao had already reminded Chu Heng on purpose, and Chu Heng must have understood that he made a mistake in delivering medicine into the palace, and he must soon On the other hand, since Chu Heng is not in danger of his life, he shouldn't care too much.

   After all, due to his status, it is inconvenient for him to get close to the courtiers.

  In the afternoon at the Ministry of War, besides sorting out materials, Chu Heng trained soldiers to prepare a new set of formations.

   Xie Zhao and Zhou Tianqi were training inside.

  Recently, Chu Heng does not reject even soldiers from other teams who are willing to come to train, and he trains one after another.

  (end of this chapter)

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