Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2028: Corruption and bribery

  Chapter 2028 Corruption and bribery

   "The imperial court has improved the treatment of the soldiers and won people's hearts." Chu Heng said it bluntly, but Emperor Xuanming didn't want to admit it, and he was really moved.

  The reason is very simple. He is an emperor, and the things about King Huainan make him most taboo about the betrayal of his favorite ministers and the release of military power. He needs to centralize power.

  Emperor Xuanming looked at Chu Heng with some scrutiny in his eyes, but the previous resentment and taboos were gone. Chu Heng dared to say this in front of his face, because there was really no betrayal in private.

   Besides, Chu Heng does have a weakness.

  As long as this person doesn't covet his position, he doesn't mind continuing to use him, after all, this person is indeed a talent.

  Emperor Xuanming turned his thoughts around, and finally discussed with Chu Heng calmly: "Chu Aiqing's words are very true, but now that the reform of soldiers' severance pay, etc., the imperial treasury still can't afford so much money."

"I have considered this issue, so I suggest that we first build some workshops in the Northland, and we can increase the treatment in batches, such as improving the food and grass in the army, and military uniforms, etc., and then solve the daily salary and severance pay. .”

   "As for the recruitment of workers in the workshop, I suggest that you can first find those retired soldiers in the barracks. These people have no work to do after being injured. If they enter the workshop, there is no need to think of more ways to solve their whereabouts."

  In fact, Chu Heng's idea is to nationalize like later generations.

   But this time is a feudal dynasty, and the workshop must be supervised by better officials, otherwise corruption and bribery will be inevitable.

  Chu Heng once heard some examples of the development of later generations from Ye Muyu.

He still put forward this relatively advanced idea: "I think that if the court's workshop can be developed for a long time, it will not only solve the problem of retired soldiers, but also earn a lot of money. It is not as good as the huge profit from salt, and the money you can earn will not be less. How many."

   "In order to avoid corruption and bribery, the rules must be established from the beginning. If anyone violates the rules, they will be dealt with according to the rules." After Chu Heng finished speaking, he met Emperor Xuanming's gaze.

  Emperor Xuanming looked at Chu Heng with admiration instead of disgust.

  In any case, Chu Heng's thinking was indeed very forward, and Emperor Xuanming was a little shaken in his heart.

  Of course, the most important thing is that the established workshops and shops are owned by the imperial court, that is, the emperor’s private property. With money, wouldn’t it be possible to do anything?

   No emperor could resist this temptation.

   "So I suggest that these workshops be managed in batches by local officials, and then supervised by the stationed troops. Except for necessary expenses, only 10% of the income should be reserved for emergency funds."

   "The remaining 80% will be sent to the treasury, and then the treasury will distribute silver to the army."

  In fact, the reason why there were so many corruption and bribery in ancient times was because of the inconvenient transportation and information. As long as you are brave enough to wipe out the evidence of corruption, you can live well.

   Moreover, with the addition of some local gentry and landlords, some powerful people, the so-called strong dragon cannot overwhelm the local snake.

   It is really difficult to completely eliminate corruption and bribery.

   "Actually, when it comes to supervision, I even suggest that a new supervision department be established to listen directly to the emperor. In this way, it can also prevent the local army from colluding with local officials."

   Speaking of collusion, this is simply too easy.

  When the imperial court had a relatively strong control over the local area, fortunately, at most it was greedy for some money.

  (end of this chapter)

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