Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2031: Different people have different methods

  Chapter 2031 Different people have different methods

   "Oh? Mrs. Chu?" Emperor Xuanming was a little curious. In fact, it stands to reason that at his age, he no longer has any curiosity. After all, he has never seen anything.

  But what Chu Heng is going to do now still feels very novel to him.

  If Ye Muyu was here, he would be able to explain to Emperor Xuanming that Chu Heng was painting a big cake.

In the past, the courtiers always talked to Emperor Xuanming with half of their words, how could they dare to say so bluntly, if they can do something, they will definitely discount the effect before telling Emperor Xuanming, that way the pressure will be less, even if they can’t do it. That's a big catch, but half is still ok.

  In this way, it is natural that Emperor Xuanming never heard anyone draw a big cake for him.

  Speaking of it, even an emperor is an individual.

   What's more, Emperor Xuanming is still a wise emperor, so there is no way not to be moved.

  From the beginning to the end, Chu Heng came here according to his character. If it were a tyrant, he would not act like this.

"Yes, the minister's wife always likes to study some weird things, and she wants to sell them to others after research, so she has some research on business. No, I learned a lot from her and learned a lot." Chu Heng Some embarrassed to say.

  Emperor Xuanming smiled heartily after hearing this, and his attitude towards Chu Heng instantly improved.

   "Mrs. Chu is also capable. The original high-yielding rice was developed by her." Emperor Xuanming praised.

When Chu Heng heard this, his eyes lit up and he said, "Your Majesty, speaking of this matter, we can also expressly reward those who can discover new food, or who can grow food. If they are willing to donate to the court, there will be corresponding rewards." Reward."

   "When the time comes, the imperial court will collect it, and then inform all the people, and the grain production can go further."

   Seeing Chu Heng haggling over every detail, all his ideas were to follow suit to earn money and improve the economy of Great Chu, the little tension in Emperor Xuanming's heart was gone.

  He can actually trust this person, after all, he does have weaknesses.

   "Chu Aiqing is right, but you are all based on the need for a supervisory department, and I still need to discuss this matter." Emperor Xuanming saw the key point at once.

  He would not really give such a good money-making treasury to local officials and the local army.

  After being betrayed by King Huainan, he just wanted to control everything in his own hands.

  Chu Heng naturally would not urge him, after all, it is impossible to do this kind of thing in a short time.

   "Yes, I understand that I will make some preparations in advance, write down the specific implementation notes, and the silver taels needed in the early stage." Naturally, this is what Chu Heng can do.

   His performance in front of Emperor Xuanming was not radical either.

  His original intention was not to take power inside, the most important thing was to maintain the trust of Emperor Xuanming in himself, so that he could slowly plan these things for the country and the people.

   What's more, to promote this matter actually requires the courage of Emperor Xuanming.

  For example, force promotion, regardless of courtiers' objections.

   As long as Emperor Xuanming has the courage, he can slowly make things happen.

  After Chu Heng left the palace, Taifu Deng was called into the palace by Emperor Xuanming.

  On the same day, it was reported that Mrs. Deng was reprimanded, Mr. Deng was grounded, and the few officials who were involved in the Huainan King incident that they had bribed before were directly dismissed from their official positions and assigned to the frontier.

  As soon as this incident happened, Taifu Deng's arrogance was extinguished in an instant. At the same time, many people were not stupid, and immediately contacted Chu Heng's entry into the palace.

  (end of this chapter)

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