Chapter 2038 Meet

  Now the Luo family only lives in the courtyard next to it, surrounded by merchants. This gap makes the atmosphere in the Luo family's house very low.

  The Luo family was dissatisfied just now because Mrs. Deng sent someone to forcefully buy the shop at a low price, but unexpectedly, the Chu family also wanted to buy it, and even sent someone to talk to them.

  Although they were extremely dissatisfied with Chu Heng, the Luo family did not dare to offend the Chu family.

   He could only feel aggrieved and send someone over to wait.

  When Sumei came in, Steward Luo hurriedly stood up and greeted her.

  Sumei smiled: "Butler Luo, you're welcome."

  She stepped forward, sat down, ordered a pot of good tea, and a few small dishes.

   Taking advantage of the interval between serving dishes, she said directly: "Steward Luo, the reason for my visit today must be known to you and the family."

   "I won't hide it. My wife will pay the original price to buy your shop and give you money on the spot. How about it?"

Butler Luo looked puzzled: "Miss Sumei, you are someone close to Mrs. Chu, so you must understand that just this morning, Mrs. Deng sent someone to buy the shop. Now that the shop has been sold, there is really no way to sell it to your family. .”

  Sumei still had a smile on her face, and said calmly: "Oh? Is that so? Why did I hear that Taifu Deng's family hasn't paid any money, and even the deed has not been issued, so it doesn't count as a sale, right?"

   "Still, your house is unwilling to sell to my wife? Is my wife's price too low, or some other reason? We can talk slowly, don't be in a hurry. If there is any misunderstanding, it's better to talk about it in advance."

Steward Luo knew long ago that since the Chu family sent someone here, they would not give up so easily, and complained in their hearts, so they could only complain with a distressed face: "Miss Sumei, you can also understand the difficulties of our Luo family, although we haven't exchanged it yet. The house deed, but I have already made an agreement with Mrs. Deng, if I suddenly change my mind, it will not be an offense, please forgive me for being helpless."

"Steward Luo, this business can be negotiated slowly. You can tell your wife when you go back. The difference between the original price and the low price is tens of taels. No matter when, dozens of taels is not a small amount for your mansion. Bar?"

"Actually speaking, when I heard about your mansion, I also felt a little sympathetic. After all, the eldest son of the Deng family is famous for being domineering. If the master and young master of the mansion hadn't been with the eldest son of the Deng family, they wouldn't have been in trouble. No matter what time it is in this capital city, once someone grabs the handle, it's like a knife hanging on the head, and it will fall down at an unknown time. As for who will touch the knife and drop it, who knows. "

   "I don't know if your wife has considered the future of the Luo family."

   Steward Luo's face has changed and changed, and he is shocked and frightened.

  Although he doesn't know much about Mrs. Ma'am, he also knows that the reason for the incident at his own house this time is because of hanging out with Taifu Deng's family.

  Sumei didn't care about Butler Luo's distraught look, she smiled, stood up and left.

   Wait for Sumei to leave.

   Steward Luo didn't care about anything, and hurried back to the mansion.

  After returning home.

   Then I met the second young master of the second master's family who came back from outside.

   This is the only one in the house who has a reputation. He was not visible before, but now he has become a pillar of support.

   "Steward Luo, what happened in such a hurry?" Second Young Master Luo called out Steward Luo.

   Steward Luo didn't dare to hide anything, so he said everything Sumei said just now.

  (end of this chapter)

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