Chapter 2043 Business

  The body muscles are getting more and more beautiful, but Ye Muyu feels uncomfortable and is deliberately looking for trouble.

   "My hands hurt." Ye Muyu patted the water, turned around with difficulty, and motioned for someone to massage her.

  Chu Heng pinched her hand with his big hand, and began to press it without saying much.

  Ye Muyu felt better in an instant, and she wasn't lying. She kept writing with a pen, and her wrist hurt.

   "What did you do? Why does your hand hurt?" Chu Heng asked with a frown.

  Ye Muyu yawned lazily, "I just wrote some stories. When the time comes, the bathhouse will open and let the storyteller tell the story. Now these stories are too monotonous and meaningless."

   "You don't need to write it yourself, I'll find a book boy who specializes in writing, and you read his writing." Chu Heng suggested.

Ye Muyu was happy for his concern, but she didn't accept this suggestion, she shook her head and said, "No, my train of thought will be interrupted if I do this, and I probably won't be able to write any good stories. I'll ask someone to help me after I finish writing That's all right, it's time to practice calligraphy."

  Seeing that she had already made a decision, Chu Heng didn't persuade her anymore, but he paid more attention to the massage skills of the people in the house.

   On the second day, he found a craftsman and came back, specializing in massaging the servants of the school.

  When Ye Muyu heard the news, she couldn't help laughing, she really thought Chu Heng was so cute.


  After being massaged briefly, Ye Muyu's wrist felt very comfortable, and the soreness was not sore.

   "By the way, I couldn't find it at the Luo's shop." Ye Muyu told Chu Heng.

  Chu Heng was a little unhappy when she finished the details: "If you don't sell it to Madam, you have no eyesight in the Luo family."

   "Haha, Sumei said the same thing." Ye Muyu was naturally happy when she was praised, her eyes were smiling.

  Chu Heng took a closer look and saw that she was not unhappy at all. It seemed that she was not affected by this incident, but he was not prepared to let it go.

   "Have you found any other suitable shops?"

"Not yet. The main reason is that there are too few people in the capital who are willing to sell shops. There are also some places that are not suitable and the prices are too high. They are not suitable for investment. Even if it is a garden for a rich lady, the fee is not high. It will be too high, at most one person will be charged five to ten taels a day, and if there is more, these ladies and ladies will have no money to come."

   This is the approximate amount of moon silver in many families after Ye Muyu met some young ladies in Ziluo.

  In short, the monthly silver for the ladies in the official residence below the third rank is only about ten taels.

  Those with a third grade or above, except for those who are particularly wealthy, generally have a monthly silver price of around thirty taels.

   Those who are particularly wealthy, such as Li Chun'er in the Duke of Qing's mansion, have a lot of monthly silver, and there are hundreds of taels.

   But this is a minority.

  However, Ye Muyu has also prepared private rooms for these very wealthy families, for a month, a pavilion can accommodate six to eight people, and one hundred taels of silver a month.

  You can use it casually, and no one else will use her position again.

   For some ladies who want face, this is perfect.

  As for those who are not invited and come alone, they will be charged separately.

  After all, there must be a lot of people to be lively and have a steady stream of business.

   "I'll figure out a way." Chu Heng reached out and touched her head, ready to take this matter on himself.

  Ye Muyu didn't agree or refuse, but raised her head and asked curiously: "How are you going to solve it?"

  (end of this chapter)

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