Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2050: what do you mean

  What does Chapter 2050 mean?

"Then what should we do? Make up all the pieces?" Taifu Deng twitched his brows lightly, feeling a pain in his flesh, but he didn't dare to risk his life to test Emperor Xuanming's thoughts. You must know that this one is not soft at all recently, he was called into the palace one after another Here, he was reprimanded every time, which is by no means a good phenomenon.

   Young Master Deng felt even worse when he heard that.

  However, soon he moved his head and thought of a clever plan.

"Father, although we have done this kind of thing, there are other officials who have done the same thing. Even Mr. Zhong Ge can't be sure that he is absolutely clean. Even if he didn't do these things himself, his family members People don’t necessarily take bribes at all.”

   "So..." Young Master Deng smiled coldly: "We can take this opportunity to drag Chu Heng into the water."

  Chu Mansion.

  The servants sent by the Deng Mansion failed to find Ye Muyu, and no one accepted the shop deed they sent, and even the tea they drank was cold.

   He was so angry that he wanted to leave, but he thought of his master’s order that he had to send it out in person, so he didn’t dare to leave, at least he had to wait until he saw someone first and saw the Chu family’s attitude before going back to explain to the master.

   And Ye Muyu who was being chanted at this time.

   Right now, I’m at the bathhouse, watching the final work, almost once all the tiles are covered today, the whole shop will be repaired, and then the interior decoration will be needed.

  Lu Chuan came over suddenly and said that Taifu Deng sent someone to talk about the shop. Her first reaction was that Taifu Deng had some tricks, and then she thought of the surprise that Chu Heng said last night.

  Could it be that Chu Heng can really make Mr. Deng bow his head?

  Thinking of the personality of the Deng family, she felt that it was impossible.

   With this doubt in mind, she returned to the mansion.

   Waited for a change of clothes, and came out to entertain the housekeeper of Deng's mansion.

   "Madam Chu." Butler Deng squeezed out a stiff smile on his face, but the resentment on his face was so full that he couldn't ignore it.

  Ye Muyu somehow felt that the other party wanted to kill her, but couldn't help it.

   "Hey, what is Steward Deng talking about?" Ye Muyu was really curious about what Taifu Deng was going to do, and she didn't even find an excuse for being late.

   From Butler Deng's point of view, he looked down on the Deng family at all. He was too arrogant and his chest fluctuated. If it was someone else, he would definitely say all kinds of ugly things.

  Even so, Butler Deng's tone was not very good: "My lord said that since Mr. Chu wants the shop in the south of the city, he will naturally not take away people's love, so he asked the servant to send over the deed of the house, so that Mr. Chu can accept it with a smile."

"Since it is for the master at home, can I wait for the master to come back before returning to your mansion for news?" Ye Muyu applauded Chu Heng in her heart at this moment, looking at Steward Deng's aggrieved look, as if she saw Mrs. Deng behind It's like jumping in exasperation.

   It is undeniable that she felt very happy.

   Like Taifu Deng who directly sends assassins to attack his family, she has long regarded the Deng family as an enemy. This contradiction is irreconcilable, and she is naturally happy to see the other party suffer.

   Greeted Butler Deng in a few words and asked someone to send him out of the mansion.

  Ye Muyu sent another letter to Chu Heng who was in the camp.

  She is not in a hurry to go to the bathhouse now, all the tiles will be installed and inspected tomorrow, so she is not in a hurry to go there today.

   Called Liu Ye out to inquire about today's important affairs in the court.

  The folk speech in Dachu is relatively free, and some things in the court are often spread by people.

  So Ye Muyu quickly found out that Chu Heng was entering the palace today.

  (end of this chapter)

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