Chapter 2058 Jumping in line

   There is still a market for things like baby carriages.

   Especially in places like the capital.

  Chu Cai can’t wait to eat in the carpenter’s shop these days. He is too busy recently. He followed Ye Muyu’s suggestion and outsourced some parts, such as wheels, cloth seats and so on.

  There are quite a few ordinary people in the capital city, and these people have no land. They usually rely on looking for jobs to earn money, or they may have a small shop to make a living.

   Heard that doing odd jobs can make money, so naturally they all helped to do it, so Chu Cai relaxed.

  As for the shop Mrs. Wang bought, she couldn't think of anything to open at first, so she just opened a carpenter's shop like in her hometown, but she could sell everything that Chu Cai's carpenter's workshop had.

  The baby stroller that first came out was once popular in the capital, and many people rushed to buy it.

  But at that time, Chu Cai was mostly busy making looms. Although the baby carriage was simple, it needed to be polished and smooth, and it was time-consuming, and the number was not large.

   When it was sold out, I wanted to buy it, but it was out of stock.

  Baby walkers are too simple. There are many capable people in the capital, and even carpenters from other states.

  However, the quality of the baby carriages from the Chu family's shop is high, and they have become famous from the beginning. Naturally, those who have status and face will definitely buy the Chu family's ones.

   After all, being an official in the same dynasty, if the Chu family knew about it and bought imitated goods from other houses, it would be somewhat embarrassing.

And these merchants who sell imitation baby carriages are also connected to the rich and powerful behind the scenes, but these people are also smart. The market in the capital only sells to ordinary people, and they don’t forget to take things to other places farther away to sell them. Trouble is trouble. Some, but without losing the face of the master's family, they can still make money. These merchants are used to running around, so as long as they have money to make, it is not troublesome.

In short, after all, there is nothing that cannot be sold by Chu Cai and other craftsmen, and the price is also the market price. As for imitation, this kind of thing is too common. Only when you are big can you make money.

  After Ye Muyu finished cleaning up, he took Liu Ye and Lu Chuan to the leisure building in the south of the city together. Sure enough, he saw many men waiting in front of an open space outside the yard.

  The reason why there are shops in this place is not easy to do business because there are no residents around and it is not lively. This is equivalent to the end of the street, far away from the lively central area, so naturally business is not easy to do.

   so that a large space can be vacated in front of it.

  Looking at this empty space, Ye Muyu was very happy. Couldn't this place be used as a parking lot!

  Elegant houses are the business of rich people. These people must travel by horse-drawn carriage. If there is no place to park the horse-drawn carriage, it will be very uncomfortable.

  Wait for Ye Muyu to stand at the top with Lu Chuan.

   He also brought Mr. Accountant from the house over.

   "Everyone start queuing up according to yesterday's instructions. Together with the recommender and the people you brought, go to Mr. Song Accountant's side to line up, write down your household registration status and age, and then Manager Lu will arrange your detailed work."

  Ye Muyu's voice was not too loud, but it was enough for everyone to hear.

   But because there were too many people, there was a farce when she finished speaking.

   "Second manager, this Li Er is too much, obviously we are the first to line up, he must bring his brother-in-law to jump in the line."

  (end of this chapter)

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