Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2062: Deng Taifu's actions

  Chapter 2062 Deng Taifu's actions

   "Guard Lu, I used to work with the village house repair team for five or six years, and I can repair ordinary houses."

   "Guan Lu, and I, once helped the wealthy households in the village build a two-story house."

   "Steward Lu..."

   It was very lively for a while.

   Ye Muyu's recruitment went smoothly.

   This side.

   It was Chu Heng's turn to go to the morning court.

  As in the past, he arrived at the gate of the palace in his own carriage, and then walked into the palace.

  But today is also different from the past.

  As soon as he got off the carriage, a servant came running over: "Master Chu, my lord asks you to wait a moment."

   "Is it the teacher?" Chu Heng recognized the other party as the servant next to Huo Zhengming.

  The Huo family boy smiled flatteringly: "Yes, Mr. Chu is bothering you. When my lord was at the intersection just now, the carriage broke down. It was delayed for a while, and he will be here soon."

   "Okay, tell the teacher not to worry." Chu Heng originally wanted to go to pick up Huo Zhengming, but when he looked up, he saw Huo Zhengming come down from a distance, and there were several adults coming to welcome him, so he could only stop.

   "Lord Chu, you left early today, why don't you go into the palace together?" Several officials came over and said.

  Chu Heng roughly guessed what these people were going to say, but he didn't follow along, "The next official is invited by the teacher, so it's not easy to keep everyone waiting."

   "Don't worry, we just heard a piece of news. I don't know if Master Chu heard it." Seeing that Chu Heng didn't answer, the group asked directly.

   "I heard that Taifu Deng has been busy making up the price difference these two days? Is this true?"

   "Master Chu must know. I heard that Taifu Deng gave up the shop to Master Chu because the price he bought was too low."

Chu Heng didn't change his face when he heard the words about pulling himself into the water: "Master Guo, I don't know where I heard the news, and I don't know if it's a misunderstanding. I accidentally chose the same shop as Taifu Deng, but it's not true. The reason you said is that Taifu Deng is kind-hearted and willing to give it up to me, as for other things, it is not good for me to meddle in the affairs of Taifu Deng's family."

   Seeing his half-denial and half-acknowledgment, these officials knew that this matter was indeed not a vacancy. It seems that the rumored news before is very likely to be true.

   "Master Chu, do you know that Taifu Deng recently sorted out the family property and started to make up the price difference?" Someone was not reconciled, and asked a very targeted question.

  Chu Heng had no expression on his face, and seemed a little difficult to get along with: "I have heard about it."

   "What do you think, Master Chu?" The man continued to ask, wishing that Chu Heng could say something affirmative, no matter whether it was to find something or not.

   Still inquiring about the news, in short, they had the courage to come to find Chu Heng and achieved their goal.

  Hearing this, Chu Heng smiled unexpectedly, as if laughing at the stupid words these people asked: "Since it was done by Mrs. Deng, what is the meaning of my evaluation?"

   "Besides, why don't you ask Taifu Deng himself about this matter? Presumably Master Taifu is also willing to clarify your doubts."

  These officials came here for their own interests, but they didn’t have much contact with Taifu Deng at ordinary times. Thinking that Taifu Deng was favored by the emperor, he did so when he came out of the palace.

   Could it be the meaning of the emperor?

  Of course I didn’t dare to ask Taifu Deng. If I really asked, isn’t this telling others that I have a problem?

  After perfunctory these officials, it happened that Huo Zhengming came over.

  Chu Heng cupped his hands casually, followed Huo Zhengming and left first.

  (end of this chapter)

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