Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2064: private library

  Chapter 2064 Private Treasury

Liu Ruying knew that she couldn't hide things, and it was enough to know that this matter was not harmful to her. As for inquiring about Emperor Xuan Ming's true thoughts, if one day she slipped her mouth and was caught and sued, He was wronged.

   This side.

  Chu Heng followed Huo Zhengming into the palace side by side.

  Beside the front and back are officials who entered the palace to attend court. Today is the Grand Court Meeting, and there are quite a few officials.

   When I saw Chu Heng, there was a strange look in my eyes, and when Chu Heng passed by, I quietly left behind, and found a good friend with me, so I had to discuss it.

Huo Zhengming saw all these in his eyes, and sighed with some worry: "Ziqiu, why did you get into a fight with Mrs. Deng again? There are rumors outside that you entered the palace in order to compete with Mrs. Deng for a shop. Sue Mrs. Deng."

   "Then Taifu Deng was reprimanded by the emperor and was frightened. In order to show his loyalty, he ran to find out some bills of the Deng family's transactions in the past two or three years, just to make up for the difference."

  Chu Heng heard that not only was he not in a hurry, he was also quite leisurely: "Teacher, you are right."

   "You really did this, and I also said that there must be a lot of fabrications in it." Taifu Deng was quite frightened by his words, after all, he knew that Chu Heng was not such a person who didn't know anything.

  Now that he knows that doing so will offend more dignitaries, he may not be able to bear it when he joins Taifu Deng in participating in Chuheng's book.

  Chu Heng didn't hide any more: "Teacher, what you said is wrong. Have you ever thought that Taifu Deng is taking the lead in doing this?"

   "You... What are you talking about?" Mrs. Deng was taken aback, trying to understand what he meant, and for a moment didn't know whether to say he was bold or thoughtful.

   Actually took advantage of the trend and asked Taifu Deng to do this. If the emperor also expressed his opinion on this matter, Taifu Deng would have taken the lead in testing the reactions of the officials in the court.

   When the emperor brings up this topic again, what should the courtiers do?

   You must know that at this time, Taifu Deng was in front of him as a demonstration, no matter whether Taifu Deng did this to arouse Chu Heng's hatred, it's okay, or what the reason is.

  In short, as soon as this incident comes out, the courtiers will also hate Taifu Deng.

   Few people targeted Chu Heng.

   And this is what His Majesty meant.

  Huo Zhengming figured out the key points inside, and then he understood why he had allowed Taifu Deng to smear his reputation wantonly these two days, but he didn't respond.

   To be precise, there is also a reaction.

  Didn’t Chu Heng directly buy the shop Mr. Deng sent to his door with money? The price is still the original price.

   Taifu Deng probably thought that Chu Heng was provocative at the time, but he didn't expect that there was another pit waiting for him.

  The facts are as Huo Zhengming guessed.

  After discussing the war in the Northland again in the court, Emperor Xuanming mentioned the reform of the commercial law. For everyone, you should not disrupt the market by means of coercion and temptation. If the purchase price is 80% lower than the market price, you will be punished as a criminal.

   Among them, there is also a specific amount to be convicted.

   "There have been some small fights in the Northland recently. No matter what happens in the end, we have to prepare well before the war. If you interfere with the market, don't you think the court is your private treasury?" Emperor Xuanming said in an unclear manner.

   As soon as these words came out.

  The officials present, how dare they speak freely.

  In fact, what Emperor Xuanming said was correct. The current commercial tax is still very high, which is also a manifestation of the ancient emphasis on agriculture and suppression of business.

  (end of this chapter)

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