Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2066: Do not believe

  Chapter 2066 Unbelievable

  But there are also some officials who make friends with him, those who really love the people, those who want to do practical things, don't want to mingle, and don't like to be sociable, and the emperor's cronies, no matter what they think in their hearts, they make friends with Chu Heng on the surface.

   It is obvious that the position of the imperial power is very stable at this time.

   At this time, it is a shame to fight against the emperor.

   "Of course, it's just sending someone to rob his wife's shop in advance, and even ran to the palace to complain."

   Taifu Deng sighed: "You also know that I have that kind of temper."

   "Master Deng is naturally not such a person. It seems that we misunderstood you this time." Someone sighed.

  But some people still doubt Taifu Deng, thinking that he is putting on a show on purpose.

  You must know that Chu Heng did not force Mr. Deng's family to take the initiative to make up the payment later on. From this point of view alone, he couldn't be clear that he was working for the emperor.

   Deliberately came to persecute them, the courtiers and noble families.

  Therefore, when Taifu Deng rarely turned down his face to a group of people, said a lot of grievances, and then turned around, these people met in private to discuss countermeasures.

   He scolded Taifu Deng bloody.

   It is said that this person is hypocritical, maybe the emperor will secretly subsidize the Deng family with something.

   He also said that Taifu Deng was simply a mad dog under Emperor Xuanming, who would bite everything he saw, so don't be too heart-to-heart in the future.

  In the past, the Deng family's behavior was domineering and domineering, and they lived extravagantly, which was somewhat dishonest.

   But these gentry love this kind of thing the most. They like to spend money. Only such officials can be bought, right?

  Everyone has money and interests, so you are alone. If something goes wrong, you can easily get away. At that time, you will still know some of everyone's secrets. Wouldn't it be possible to turn around and betray for profit?

   This is also the main reason why the officialdom is so filthy.

  As long as there is a source, the officials below can be oppressed to follow suit. How much interest can the officials above resist?

  Human nature is selfish.

  Even if the official himself resists, as for his family, if there is a slight shake, whether it is framed or proactive, they will be pulled into the quagmire. Naturally, the water in the pool will become more and more muddy.

  Who knows, it is such a Deng family who is easy to win over, but they can't see any signs at all, so they bite everyone.

  Many officials felt a little reconciled.

   Secretly collected some criminal evidence, and secretly sent them to the palace together.

  It doesn't.

  Emperor Xuanming had just left his early court, and went to have lunch with the Empress Dowager in the Palace of Compassion and Ning.

   When I came back, I saw these impeachment notes on the shore table.

  A lot of the crimes against Mr. Deng are related to some of the Deng family’s domineering behavior, and the Deng family’s hoarding of land, etc., as well as some problems with the books of the Deng family’s shop, and other minor corruption evidence of the Deng family.

And the one who reported Chu Heng was talking about Ye Muyu's current shops, all of which have a tendency to make money every day, plus the guards around Chu Heng are very skilled, and his parents and children went to sea with the merchants in the south of the Yangtze River, so much money, Could it be that they want to rebel.

  These people hated Taifu Deng no less than Chu Heng.

   Now that his interests have been touched, he is not polite to anyone. The words in the booklet are very sharp, unreasonable, and every word is clear. The intention of wishing to kill the two of them is very obvious.

  Emperor Xuanming read the notebooks of the two participants, but there was no reaction. He closed the notebooks, and there was no movement for two days.

  He didn't move.

  (end of this chapter)

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