Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2082: Habit is second nature

  Chapter 2082 Habit Becomes Nature

  Bei Rong is located in the north, with a large area of ​​grassland. Naturally, the life of these grassland tribes is not as easy as that of the people of Dachu. They are just unstable, and the main source of income is cattle, sheep and horses.

  I can’t grow my own food, and I need to change everything I eat. In addition, the transportation is inconvenient these days, and everything is very laborious. Naturally, life is difficult.

  In Ye Muyu's view, those Beirong people may not be willing to fight. Of course, there are also people who are good at fighting and have ambitions. Most of the people choose passively. It is normal to start a war in order to survive.

   "That's right." Chu Heng nodded, and handed her several letters to read: "Although it was not clearly established in the name of the government before."

   "But since it is about his business dealings, the emperor has actually sent a secret order to the northern border. As long as the identity of the Hu people who enter the customs is fine, they can trade outside the city."

   "In addition, the prince of Beirong actually has some power in Beirong, and he also spread the news that the wool can be used to make wool, weave clothes, and make wool blankets and wool felt."

   "Although those Beirong people don't know how to weave, they can sell wool. Many merchants go to the border cities of Beidi to trade with the locals."

   "The yamen didn't explicitly prohibit it, but they didn't let the barbarians enter the city, but those businessmen wanted to make money, and they traveled so far, so they were naturally not afraid of that little danger. Slowly, a trading market outside the city was formed."

   "Nowadays, many people in Beirong use the wool they hoarded in the past to exchange for grain or copper plates."

   "So this year, the soldiers of Beirong seem to be stronger and stronger, and they seem to be living a good life, but because the war is unstable, the markets at the border are estimated to be afraid to open."

  Ye Muyu nodded after listening: "It's normal for this to happen. Is there someone who disagrees with the trade?"

  Chu Heng nodded: "Ah Yu, you are still smart. There are many officials and generals in the court. They think it is because we have raised the soldiers of Beirong so well."

   "Heh, I think these people are rotten." Ye Muyu snorted softly, "I don't want to see, why the Beirong soldiers only dare to test it now, and dare not shoot with live ammunition, isn't it because they have scruples."

   "This letter says that Bei Rong has been probing for more than a month."

"It's been such a long time, the best time for the death of King Huainan has already passed, okay? If I were the leader of the Beirong, I would go all out and take action immediately when I heard the news that the Prince of Beirong had returned. We will wait for reinforcements from the imperial court to pass.”

   "Looking at the wars between Beirong and Dachu in recent years, it can be seen that the Beibei army is not a hesitant generation. As long as there is interest and they can grab food, they will definitely attack directly."

   "So, Bei Rong is now saying that it is a test, which just shows that the previous attempt to open up trade has brought great results. Even if the soldiers of Bei Rong want to fight, the common people will not be happy."

"Besides, those tempting soldiers may not have been intentionally deceived by Bei Rong. The news from our side is slow to pass, and we don't know if there is any new situation." took a sip of tea.

  Chu Heng asked his servants to bring some pastries, took a piece himself, and fed it to her mouth.

   "Well, I'll do it myself." Ye Muyu took a bite, and finished the sweet and sour pastry with Chu Heng's fingertips.

  (end of this chapter)

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