Chapter 2086 Jing Yuan

  Because the watermelon grown on the farm is very sweet, the raw materials for extracting sugar at this time are sweet cabbage and sugarcane.

   But the sweetness is not enough, so everyone likes to eat sweet.

   But watermelon is a product of sandy land after all. She is planning to plant fruit trees in the garden, which will have a good scenery effect by the way.

   "Persimmon trees can be planted." Ye Muyu thought of some of the pictures he saw in later generations, and took photos of beautiful old houses in the country. There are persimmon trees, and the artistic conception is very beautiful.

  Beautiful artistic conception is suitable for poetry. With this reason, you are not afraid of not being famous in the future.

   "Well, vines can also be planted. It happens to be a grape trellis. When the summer is cool, you can still get some wine."

   "Forget about apple trees, they don't look good, and pear trees don't seem to be very auspicious. It's better to plant cherry trees, plum trees and peach trees."

   After opening up several shops and the deserted courtyard behind, the area of ​​the whole garden is actually very large. According to her idea, it can be divided into seven or eight gardens and courtyards.

   There are only eight gardens. If there are walls to separate them, they will take up a lot of area, and each yard will not be very big.

  Ye Muyu thought about it, but finally changed her mind.

   What this game of mahjong needs is excitement, and it is interesting to play with a group of people.

   It can even make it easier for these ladies and ladies to expand their official diplomacy. If the yard is too small, wouldn’t they be restrained unintentionally, and everyone who knows each other will get together.

   It's been a long time, and it's not interesting.

On the contrary, there are a lot of people, and many wives and ladies have the desire to compare, otherwise there would not be so many banquets in the capital. After all, these banquets are famous for comparison, such as the names of some talented women, which is also understandable. Marry a good husband.

  Second, in order to broaden the contacts.

In this way, she only needs to build four large yards, and then build more houses. If possible, build an attic and an extra floor. Regardless of the scenery, it can accommodate more people .

  Ye Muyu directly asked Chu Heng about building the attic: "If I build attics in the whole garden, is there a problem?"

  There is a height limit for houses in Beijing.

  The tallest are the royal buildings and the watchtower at the gate of the city.

  If the cultivation is too high, it is inevitable that there will be suspicion of monitoring news from the DPRK and China.

  In the yard of ordinary people, one or two embroidery buildings will be built for the women in the boudoir.

  If it is what Ye Muyu thinks, there is actually no precedent for the second floor of the city. Of course, there will be such shops and restaurants, and there are even three-story restaurants.

  But to be on the safe side, Ye Muyu still needs to confirm first.

   "Nothing." Chu Heng directly gave her an affirmative answer.

  Ye Muyu was happy, and felt that everything was going well, and when she finished the garden, she would definitely be able to make a lot of money.

   "Ah Heng, tell me, what is the name of our garden?"

"Since Ah Yu wants to use the beauty of the scenery as his selling point, he can be simple and direct. It is better to call it Jingyuan, and it is used for the usual gatherings of his wife and ladies. Although mahjong is mainly used to kill time, it is a bit of a gambling nature. Be gentle and avoid criticism from scholars."

   "That's right, the name Jingyuan sounds nice!" Ye Muyu slapped her hands with a smile: "Then it's called that."

  Seeing her happy, Chu Heng raised the corners of his mouth. He stretched out his hand to spread a piece of rice paper, then picked up a pen, and wrote the word "Jingyuan" on it.

  Ye Muyu leaned over to look.

  (end of this chapter)

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