Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2129: official newspaper

  Chapter 2129 Official Report

  Thinking of something, he said: "Ah Heng, I think we can open an official newspaper. We don't need to pay people to spread public opinion if we want to deliver any news in the future. This newspaper is the best tool to lead public opinion."

  Ye Muyu also experienced this incident, and suddenly remembered this.

   "Official newspaper?" Chu Heng chewed these two words carefully, "It's really good, but who should manage this official newspaper, but it has an influence."

   "It doesn't matter. No matter how you say it, this official newspaper is also the face of the imperial court. It can't be messed up. It can also report news to other prefectures in a timely manner. Those local officials dare not hide the news from the capital."

   "Don't you want to reform? The official newspaper reported it in a timely manner and has a greater influence." Ye Muyu also has selfish intentions, such as today's incident.

  Although the news has spread throughout the capital, the news in Fucheng that is farther away will lag behind.

  As an official, after all, what he pursues is fame and fortune.

  Since those aristocratic families want to suppress Chu Heng so much, they are afraid that he will have a higher status in the future and will be more difficult to deal with.

  What happened this time was just a breakthrough.

  Once they make a death move, even if the emperor supports Chu Heng, they may not be able to escape smoothly.

   But what if Chu Heng is famous all over the world?

   If you want to move him at that time, you have to consider the issue of public grievances.

   These officials probably don't dare to bear the burden of getting a bad reputation and live their lives.

   "The advantages outweigh the disadvantages." Chu Heng nodded, and put some hot beef slices in between for her, "This is feasible."

"Isn't the emperor quite satisfied with my words this time? I don't expect my words to be published in the official newspapers, but I can let the great scholars or the court push the books, so that I can make a fortune by publicizing the words." Ye Although Mu Yu said it was to make money, she actually cared more about the impact of the script on the public.

  Chu Heng couldn't see her careful thinking, "My lady's request, my husband, I naturally have to plan carefully."

   "Hmm, I reward you with a mutton roll."

  Ye Muyu happily served him vegetables.

  By the side, Chu Ziluo saw her father and mother silently showing affection, she buried her head in eating, and didn't look up, so as not to be envious in her heart!

  Since Chu Heng said that he will run an official newspaper.

  The next day he didn't go to the morning court again, so he directly handed over a booklet and entered the palace.

  I went to the Ministry of War to study the modification of weapons.

  Da Chu's iron-making technique is fairly mature, but its utilization rate is not high, and iron is prone to rust, and it will be worn out every year, and there are no protective measures for iron ore mining.

   Miners who go to mine basically put their lives to work.

  As a result, it is difficult to recruit miners, and there are not many iron objects, which are expensive, and most iron objects are also used as weapons and armor.

  The armor I modified last time is not bad.

   But it still looks heavy.

   Not as good as steel.

   Just making steel is not that easy.

  He rectified the re-statistics of soldiers in the barracks. Although some moths were dug out, the effect was not very great. At most, he recovered some embezzled money, which was just a drop in the bucket compared to the consumption of the entire Chu soldiers.

   But the reform of the Ministry of War is not just a matter of talking, but also needs to lay a good foundation.

  Thus the problem of military household registration was solved, and he considered the problem of weapon upgrading.

   Recently, a lot of blacksmiths have been arranged, and they are studying steelmaking.

  Chu Heng was called into the palace in the afternoon.

  (end of this chapter)

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