Chapter 2131 Xu Chan

  If you resist forcefully, and now that the country is more and more peaceful and the people are safe, and you don’t want to be a traitor, you’d better follow the trend and use this official newspaper to bring benefits to your family. It may not be a bad thing.

   "Old minister complies with the order." Elder Zhong Ge saluted tremblingly.

   Waited out of the imperial study room.

  Master Zhong Ge looked at Chu Heng, and asked with a smile: "Master Chu, have you thought about who is the official newspaper?"

  Since it is a court institution, it also needs staff, and these positions are naturally official positions.

  Although there is no power, as long as it is an official position, there is no scholar who does not want it. Once this position comes out, I am afraid that everyone will flock to it.

"Master Ge, I know that you are also a person with righteousness in mind, so I won't tell you those false words. I plan to take the exam directly. It's not like there are some Jinshi and Juren who have not been awarded official positions in Dachu. These talents are not necessary. It's a waste, but we can take the opportunity to select some suitable talents to come to the official office to work." Chu Heng said bluntly.

  Mr. Zhong Ge heard that he was going to directly select these non-official recruits instead of letting the Ministry of Officials directly arrange officials to come, so he knew that he did not intend to let the Ministry of Households intervene.

  Thinking of the emperor's intention, he knew in his heart that this was also obedience to the holy will.

   Didn't have too many doubts on this point, and asked: "Then about the test questions, does Master Chu have any ideas?"

   "I have some clues. In the past two days, I will write down the test questions. After discussing with the adults, I will set the test questions. I will also trouble the elders to inform the news."

"Are you trying to confuse the person who made the question?" Mr. Zhong Ge understood his deep meaning after listening to it. He only felt that Chu Heng always took one step at a time when doing things, and everything was very safe. No wonder the officials were so angry He scolded him every day at home, and the censor wanted to find a reason to clean up Chu Heng directly, but unfortunately he couldn't find a reason.

   It's just because this person has no loopholes to exploit. On the contrary, these officials are more or less caught by others, and they usually only dare to find some small troubles that don't hurt the elegance to scare Chu Heng.

  Mr. Zhong Ge stroked his beard and nodded appreciatively.

   "Well, I thank you, Mr. Ge Boss, first."

   "Since we are in charge together, I naturally have to do things, otherwise I will not be able to fulfill the emperor's orders." Zhong Ge smiled and waved his hand, accepting the matter.


  There was news sent out from the post station, and there was news that the capital wanted to recruit officials from newspapers and offices in all prefectures and counties.

  Some Juren who had failed many trials over the years were pleasantly surprised at first, and then hesitated when they heard the news.

   "Brother Su, tell me, is the news about the recruitment of officials in the capital accurate?"

"This news is definitely not a problem. After all, the yamen spread it generously, but as for whom to recruit, I don't know." There are those Juren who have been unrecognized for many years, and they don't believe that there will be any justice in their hearts. That's all.

  But there are also younger juren who are still full of expectations: "If it is really not a fair election, why is it still widely known? Why not just appoint officials directly from the Ministry of Officials?"

   "Brother Guo, do you want to try it?"

   "I don't know, but the capital city is a long way away..."

"If you want me to say, what's the trouble with this? We're just jurors, and we can only be officials in the capital if we are lucky. Now that the opportunity is in front of us, there's no reason to hesitate. Since we are all officials, this is the same as the meeting. See what's the difference." In a restaurant in the south of the Yangtze River, a young man with a chin full of stubble, holding a jug of wine in his hand, spoke wantonly and casually.

  (end of this chapter)

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