Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2151: Zhongshan Zhong's Escort Agency

  Chapter 2151 Zhongshan Zhong's Escort Agency

   "Zhong is planning to send this book to Jiangnan and other places for sale."

"To be honest, before you came, Mr. Zhong, quite a few merchants approached me to discuss this matter. If Mr. Zhong is sincere, I can sell this book to you, but there is one condition." He thought about it all night, and finally thought of what to do.

   "Oh? What's the condition? Just tell the shopkeeper." Zhong Shan has a good eye, and thinks that this time it will definitely sell well. The only thing that needs to be considered is whether the shop is willing to cooperate with him.

The shopkeeper tapped his fingers on the table: "Master Zhong, you should also know that this book was originally very controversial, but because the official newspapers pushed it, so it seems that it is still a book of stories, but in fact it is very controversial. It's an orthodox read."

"If you go to a remote prefectural city to sell, with the influence of official newspapers, no one will dare to say that there is something wrong with this book. My master said that he doesn't care about the money he made this time. He just wants to use the pen name of this book to operate it. Get up, so, if Mr. Zhong is sincere in doing this business, I hope he can help publicize the book and at the same time point out the existence of the pseudonym."

"Of course, because there is only one book under this pen name, it is not easy for Mr. Zhong to promote it. For the first time, he only needs to push the book to the official newspaper, and the real identity of the writer , I also hope that Master Zhong can help control his reputation when he sells books. After all, it is written by his wife. During the publicity, helping to wake up this book is the court's support for this."

  The shopkeeper talked for a long time, still paying attention to the changes in Zhong Shan's expression.

  Zhong Shan was a little confused at first.

   After he finished speaking, he suddenly realized, and looked at the shopkeeper, hesitant.

   "Master Zhong, if you have anything to say, just say it bluntly. Since we want to cooperate, we naturally have to be frank and frank, discuss things, and pay attention to integrity." The shopkeeper took a sip from his teacup and said with a smile on his face.

   It's just that the scrutiny in his eyes has not disappeared.

  Zhong Shan lowered his voice and asked: "Shopkeeper, what do you mean, madam of your mansion, do you want to develop in the direction of a famous family, do you want to be famous?"

   "That's right." The shopkeeper smiled, hiding the shrewdness in his eyes: "But you don't have to worry too much, Madam doesn't want to be a celebrity, but a famous writer."

"What's the difference?" Zhong Shan's understanding of writing is only one sentence, and only scholars can write articles. Of course, the book is a small way, and it can't be put on the table. If it wasn't because the official newspaper of the imperial court promoted this book , Business will not be so good.

"Naturally there is a difference. Celebrities include many literary achievements, while writers mainly focus on literary works such as novels and books. By the way, this "Road to the Imperial Examination" has been called a 'novel' in the official newspaper. Words are no longer called by the book of words, so this novel is naturally suitable for readers to read, and it is no longer a small door."

  Zhong Shan was still a little confused when he heard it. It was because he was a businessman and hadn’t read much.

   I can recognize some characters, that's all.

  The shopkeeper saw the confusion in his eyes, coughed lightly, and explained with an example: "Master Zhong, to put it simply, what is the difference between a poet and a celebrity?"

  (end of this chapter)

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