Chapter 2154 Good News

  He still took the books to the bookstore according to the contract.

   Then at the door of the bookstore, I bought more than 20 books and went out.

   After finishing his work, Zhong Shan had time to discuss business with the people in the bookstore.

In fact, during this period of time, the waiter of the bookstore has been standing by the side, watching with some envy. If he didn't know that Zhong Shan parked the carriage here to sell books to the bookstore, he must have been in a hurry to take Zhong Shan to the bookstore. Talk about business.

   "Brother, we brought a lot of the novel "Road to the Imperial Examination" over here this time. How much can your shop eat? I plan to sell it on consignment. Can my brother be the master of this business?"

   "Yes, of course no problem."

  The little girl hurriedly went to the second steward in the bookstore to make a deal.

  Of course, after Zhong Shan learned of the popularity of this book, he directly divided the five thousand books into different portions and consigned them to different bookstores, and then left a brother in the bodyguard agency to be in charge of selling them.

  Everyone in the bookstore felt that Zhong Shan's behavior was a bit strange.

   But I am also happy to have one less manpower and earn the same money, so naturally I will not refuse.

   And this move was because Zhong Shan had thought up on the way how to meet the requirements put forward by the shopkeeper of Yonghe Bookstore.

  The brothers he sent out have been trained in advance and know how to promote the author's reputation and this book.

  Only under the control of his own people, Zhong Shan can rest assured that he can complete this task.

  At the moment the capital.

  The official newspaper is published every day, and every morning.

There may not be any major events every day, but there are some small news. In short, from the preparation process, it is similar to the newspapers of later generations. Big and small news, when organized, planned, and the content is also innovative, let the people in the capital gradually develop the habit of reading newspapers. habit.

Just at this time.

  The people sent by the imperial court to Beirong came back with news.

   It was sent back when it was still in court.

   It’s October now.

  The weather is starting to cool down.

  Emperor Xuanming has been keeping an eye on this news.

  He directly asked the soldier who reported the news to read the news on the spot.

   "Report to the emperor, your lords have already taught the people and tribes on the Beirong grassland how to make soap and candles. The news of Da Chu's purchase of wool has also spread on the grassland."

   "Because the Beirong royal family didn't believe that the envoys of Great Chu would teach the grassland people crafts at first, so they didn't stop them, and spread the news before the envoys went."

   "Thus, your lords acted very quickly and were not blocked. Now with the support of the grassland people, the Beirong royal family can't do anything to embarrass your lords."

   "My lords said that I will return to Beijing within ten days."

  After hearing this, Emperor Xuanming smiled slightly: "Okay, not bad."

  The next hundred officials, headed by Elder Zhong Ge, all congratulated Emperor Xuanming and Great Chu.

  But there are also censors who have no eyesight.

   Stand up and show that you are worried that Beirong will become rich because of this transaction.

"Master Qi, don't worry, teaching the grassland people to make soap and candles is a restriction for Beirong, but it is a good thing for the country and the people for our court." Chen Tianmin, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, stood up and calculated for him carefully. Account: "People in the prairie will raise sheep and cattle at any time. In previous years, these people in the prairie could only rely on some skins to exchange some basics such as salt and tea. Every winter, there is a shortage of food. This is why the North Rong will keep attacking our dynasty."

   "If these grassland people can use sheep oil and other things that are useless in previous years to make soap and candles, they will be able to fill their stomachs."

  (end of this chapter)

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