Chapter 2156 Recommended

   "Suddenly there are three cavalry battalions, how many soldiers will be selected for each camp?" Xiang Cheng heard that Chu Heng had already participated in it, and felt depressed and jealous.

  He also worked **** the battlefield to get to his current position step by step. He thought that without Queen Huainan, he would have more military power, but who knew that Chu Heng would come out to intervene.

  That is just a civil servant, who has never been on the battlefield, and is even more valued by the emperor than himself.

No one can see the dissatisfaction in Xiang Cheng's heart. He has been hanging around for a long time, because his mind is not right, he attaches more importance to the cavalry battalion. Of these three camps, he must hold at least two in his hands, so As a result, his influence will be even greater in the barracks in the Northland in the future, after all, there will be no such specially trained cavalry.

  Those infantry are useless.

  Mr. Zhong Ge stood up and replied: "Since it is a camp, there will be 1,000 people at the beginning. The follow-up progresses smoothly, and more people will be added."

   "Then which generals should be sent to the cavalry battalion? I have some recommendations from veterans here." Xiang Cheng calmly began to recommend his own people.

When Qi Shangshu heard this, he sneered in his heart, and followed suit: "Master Xiang, there is no need to worry. The candidate for the general of the cavalry battalion still needs to be carefully considered. After all, this will be the main force to resist the Beirong soldiers in the future, and he must have various abilities. All outstanding."

   "Qi Shangshu's words are reasonable, but in the final analysis, this matter is a matter of the Ministry of War, and the officials recommended must be more in line with the emperor's requirements." Xiang Cheng argued without giving up.

  Shangshu Qi was still smiling like a tiger, and he was not angry when he heard the words: "Master Xiang's words are reasonable, but in terms of character, the Ministry of Households is better at it. After all, the annual official assessment must pass the Ministry of Households."

   "Master Zhong, Master Chu, what do you think?"

  Xiang Cheng was unwilling to let go of such a good opportunity, and was not obsessed with arguing with Qi Shangshu, but turned his attention to other people.

   Without waiting for the two to respond, he smiled and said, "Although Mr. Chu has only moved to the Ministry of War for a few months, he has learned a lot, and he must have better ideas."

Chu Heng received the kicked ball, cupped his hands, and said: "The emperor has his own conclusion on this matter, and the ministers can just follow orders and make arrangements, and there is no need to waste time arguing, the final result will always be convincing. "

"Master Chu is broad-minded, and the ministers are worried about the people of Great Chu, but they seem to be arguing like women and children." Xiang Cheng's dialect has no good intentions for Chu Heng, and he explained for himself. At the same time, he did not forget to sarcastically say something to him.

  Chu Heng has no interest in arguing with these courtiers. As long as the final result prevails, what can these courtiers do.

  He was naturally calm from the beginning to the end: "Since Mr. Xiang is so concerned about the country and the people, it is natural for the people to choose the candidates."

   "Master Chu, what kind of joke are you talking about?" Xiang Cheng felt that he was crazy, so he replied: "Since we are officials, we are here to relieve the worries of the people, otherwise why would we need to select talents through the imperial examination."

"Master Xiang's intention is reasonable. Since this official is also a capable person selected from the common people, I feel that the general of the cavalry battalion can naturally be selected directly. For the sake of fairness, neither the literary test nor the military test can be used. There is no need for anyone to recommend it, but all soldiers in the barracks can take the written test."

  (end of this chapter)

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