Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2174: pressed into prison

  Chapter 2174 Pressed into the prison

He didn't want to be involved in the struggle between the two families, and finally said righteously: "Master Hu has a fourth-rank official, and the lower officials can't make decisions. We just have to submit it first, but Mr. Hu... buys a murderer to kill someone. If the evidence in the case is conclusive, they will be imprisoned first and will be checked later.”

  After Dali Siqing finished speaking, he immediately made a decision and left the court in a hurry, preparing to go back to the mansion to think about how to write today's book.

  The other witnesses were imprisoned in prison.

  Chu Heng left Dali Temple, it was getting late.

  He ordered people to guard outside the Dali Temple prison.

  He raised his feet and went back home.

  Just returned to the mansion, Ye Muyu, who had been waiting anxiously, heard the sound, and hurriedly looked at the gate.

  Seeing his figure, he rushed up to meet him, and asked worriedly, "How are you, are you okay?"

"What can happen, your husband and I just use some tricks to make them swallow the evil by themselves." Chu Heng raised his eyebrows, said with a smile, and put one hand around her waist, holding her tightly in his arms , walked to the backyard: "Are you in a hurry? Have you had dinner yet?"

  Ye Muyu breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to ask him what to do next, but she also knew that this was not a good place to talk, so she held back.

  Hearing the words, he shook his head slightly: "No, I think you must be hungry after you have been busy all afternoon, so I will use it together when you come back. I had some snacks in the afternoon, but I am not very hungry."

   "What snack?" Seeing that she was in a good mood, Chu Heng said half-jokingly.

Compared with those invisible knives and tricks in the court, he felt relieved when he returned to the house every day. Aren't those fights all about keeping the family safe? Looking at the smiles on his wife and children, He felt that everything was worth it.

   "Grilled chicken feet, other grilled vegetarian dishes." Ye Muyu knew that she could not be of much help with the court affairs.

  But he couldn't see that Chu Heng was busy and thin every day, so he tried his best to cook food every day to feed his stomach. Of course, he also wanted to share the food.

   After all, food always makes people feel good.

  It’s so tiring to be calculating and calculating in the yamen every day, and you have to guard against being caught and attacked, and you must be cautious in everything you do, but you have to waste your energy.

  Even if you are a god, you can't be so vigilant all the time, it will be tiring.

"You should like it. I have prepared other meat dishes, which can also be eaten roasted. Would you like to try it later?" Ye Muyu held his big hand, and the fingers of the two were entangled habitually, and they did not resist being played with by Chu Heng. , recommended with a smile.

  Chu Heng's mood really relaxed, and he became a little bit excited when he heard the words: "Okay, I have another chance to taste the lady's handicraft. It seems that tonight is a blessing."

   "Aren't you blessed?" Ye Muyu patted his chest with a smile: "It's a pity if you don't become a big fat man with such a good figure."

   "So you were waiting for me here..." Chu Heng laughed, and he said, how could he have made big moves in the court in the past, but he didn't receive such caring and preferential treatment from his wife.

  It seems that the weather has been cold these days. Ah Yu loves food, and he probably gained a few pounds. When he is unhappy, he wants to take him along with him.

   The two hurt each other, but they talked with each other in concern.

   Waited until the backyard.

  Smelling the scent in the yard, Chu Heng was already hungry, but now he was hooked.

   "I'm going to change clothes first." Chu Heng said and went to wash up.

  Ye Muyu didn't hinder him either, but went into the living room.

  (end of this chapter)

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