Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2178: make a small profit

  Chapter 2178 A small profit

  Su Lan is not used to being served by Mei. When she came in with a basin of water, she saw the lady yawning and unintentionally slipping off her sleeve. The ambiguous trace made her cheeks turn red.

   "Husband, madam..." Su Lan stammered.

Ye Muyu was confused for a while, and when she followed the other person's line of sight to look at her neck, she suddenly realized something, quickly stretched out her hand to cover her neck, her cheeks were bright red, she cursed Chu Heng in her heart, and then pretended nothing happened occur.

  Walk to the washstand to wash her face, but when she called Su Lan to pick up the clothes, she asked her to choose one with a slightly higher collar.

  She has to go to the medical clinic and Jingyuan every day.

   If this is seen by others, her face will be unnecessary!

   But fortunately.

  Although Su Lan is thin-skinned, she is very sensible. The men's clothes she brought meet the requirements. After wearing them, they completely cover up the traces.

  Ye Muyu finished washing.

   before going to the dining room for dinner.

  Breakfast is relatively simple, with millet porridge that nourishes the stomach, as well as steamed buns and dumplings.

  Ye Muyu took a bite of the bacon and bean bun, and took the official newspaper on the table to read it as usual.

   Almost in the capital, people who are willing to buy official newspapers have developed this habit.

  No matter what the officials think, the news in the official newspaper is indeed approved by the emperor, so it can be guessed to some extent. Of course, the most important thing is to control some important news of the court.

  Originally in the court, how could the petty officials dare to ask around? Wouldn’t it be convenient for them to come out with the official report? You don’t need to ask, you only need to spend a few pennies to get some news.

  Although there are not many really useful news, after all, there are many sections in official newspapers, and officials also care about the section on government affairs and current affairs.

  Ye Muyu read the political and current affairs section, and the news on it was about yesterday's current affairs, about the news that the generals of the Northland had met with the Beirong to talk about cooperation.

   Don't look at what it said was yesterday, but it will take at least ten days and a half a month for this news to be transmitted from the North to the capital.

   It is estimated that the businessman who has heard the news has already rushed to the Northland to buy wool and other things.

  However, there is no disclosure that Da Chu sent people to the grassland to teach those who make soap and candles.

   After Ye Muyu finished reading this edition, she originally wanted to check out the farming section.

  Today, here is how to grow potatoes, how to grow potatoes, how to fertilize the land, and how to preserve potatoes, but this is not the time to grow potatoes.

  But in remote places, if you want to buy potato seeds, this is the right time. You will need them in the spring of next year, and the number of potato seeds is good, so the imperial court has no way to give them to the people for free.

  The business of potato seeding this year must be earned by businessmen.

  Of course, in order to maintain stability, the imperial court limited the price of potato seeds, so that they could make a small fortune. For some wealthy businessmen, little is better than nothing.

   But now those who have potato seeds on hand, only officials have them.

   After all, only Ye Muyu and the imperial court had potato seeds back then.

  As for the Northland, even if there is one, it is held in the hands of the common people. This year, one crop is harvested, but it is not enough to grow all over the country. It is estimated that the price of potato seeds will become parity next year.

  For the officials and the people of the Northland, the money earned from potato seeds is also a good income. The rich businessmen don't care about the money, so they are naturally willing to buy it.

  Food with a strong sense of satiety like sweet potatoes, at least you don’t have to worry about people starving to death in the future.

  She had already ordered the housekeeper to bring back all the potato seeds from the Zhuangzi outside the capital.

  (end of this chapter)

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