Chapter 2182 Helper

  Yan Zhenming was happy when he wrote the article before. Not only did he cheat the third young master of the Qi family, but he also dragged Qi Shangshu and Xiang Cheng into trouble.

  By the way, I helped my adults solve some troublesome things.

   Can be early upward happenings.

  He also got the news now.

  Knowing that Lord Chu was reprimanded by the emperor, he also fined his salary.

  He felt a little regretful in his heart. Maybe he shouldn't be so impulsive. In fact, it is okay to post it a day later, but the Qi family will definitely take action at that time, and this article may not be published.

   But now Master Chu is still involved.

  He doubted whether his persistence was right.

   "Master Chu, it's because I didn't think carefully this time that I got you in trouble. If you need me to do anything, you can just mention it." Yan Zhenming frowned and said righteously.

  Chu Heng saw him ready to sacrifice himself.

   The corners of the mouth twitch slightly.

  As a loyal supporter of the thick black school, he is too embarrassed to bully this group of guys with a sense of justice in the official newspaper.

   "Cough cough." Chu Heng coughed lightly, raised his eyes, and looked at the corner of his clothes exposed by the door of the wing room, "Come out, what are you doing hiding?"

   There was a sound inside, and after a while, the remaining nine officials, as well as Mr. Zhong Ge, who was still staying in the official newspaper office at some point, came out together.

  Chu Heng was somewhat surprised to see Mr. Zhong Ge.

   He can understand that these officials are uneasy.

  But Jonggak is old...

  Master Zhong Ge stroked his beard and approached slowly, "Master Chu, you are young and promising, and it is a blessing for Da Chu to have you."

"Old Man Ge, I just did what I should do. Speaking of it, this incident is also due to everyone. If everyone insisted, today's newspaper would not have been published." Chu Hengtan frankly said, Don't take all the credit on yourself.

   It was easy for him to earn credit.

   But these low-level officials, the credit is hard to come by.

  Several officials were even more excited, looking at him with red eyes, with admiration in their eyes.

  Chu Heng: "..."

   "My lord, tell us quickly, the emperor won't really care about you, right?" the impatient official hurriedly asked.

  Chu Heng shook his head lightly: "It's okay, our matter this time is also for the long-term existence of the official newspaper. It can be regarded as a victory, but after all, I surpassed the first, and the emperor should give me a salary."

"Master Chu, next time I will never make such a mistake again." Yan Zhenming reflected on it again and again, thinking that this time was good luck, but not every time he meets such good luck, naturally, he cannot make another mistake up.

Chu Heng curled his lips, "No, what happened to us this time is enough for us to reflect on the existence of a loophole. Some news really needs to be reported in time to be effective, but we can't just disturb the emperor's rest with just one thing. So we have to change tactics."


   Several people were a little surprised.

  Old Zhong Ge also stroked his beard when he heard the words, and felt a little bit interesting: "Oh? What can Master Chu do to solve it?"

   "There is one way, that is, it depends on the ability of me and the boss." Chu Heng originally didn't want to be an enemy, but the idea of ​​the official newspaper is to backlash against some corrupt officials. Sooner or later, he will confront these officials.

  Of course, the corrupt officials he refers to are extremely bad in nature. After all, petty corruption is not enough for him to risk being reprimanded by the emperor to report the news at night.

  Master Zhong Ge was a little surprised, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Master Chu, what do you mean?"

  (end of this chapter)

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