Chapter 2188 Buying medicine

   "The main reason is that everyone in the capital should know your relationship this time." Lu Sangqi said in a low voice, and when he looked carefully, he could still see his envious eyes.

  Ye Muyu smiled sweetly: "It can't be helped, your Brother Chu doesn't want people to bother him, after all, not everyone likes Qirenzhifu."

   "Oh, maybe you don't agree with this feeling. There's nothing you can do about it. After all, there's probably no other man as good as you, Brother Chu."

  The corners of Lu Sangqi's mouth twitched a few times, and he stared at Ye Muyu with wide eyes, almost suspecting that she had changed.

   Is this the low-key and gentle sister I know?

   Always like this...shameless!

   All the love is in front of me.

   So angry!

  Ye Muyu looked at him with a smile on his angry face, and instantly felt relieved. This kid really needs to be dealt with.

   "Sister, stop talking, I know you two are on the mend." Lu Sangqi rubbed his forehead, a little unwilling to continue to suffer from her crit.

  Ye Muyu found it funny.

  If it weren't for being outside, she would have burst into laughter on the spot.

   Out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly saw a special patient walking in from the door.

   "Miss, are you seeing a doctor?" Ye Muyu asked proactively.

  Huo Ning glanced at her with her cold eyes, pursed her lips, and nodded: "Well, I'll come and get the medicine."

   "It's just that my medicine money may not be enough, so I can only exchange it with a jade pendant, is that okay?"

  Ye Muyu saw that she was like a tough bamboo. Although she was asking, she didn't beg for mercy. She didn't need anyone's sympathy.

   "Okay, but I'm afraid the medicine will not cost that much." Ye Muyu thought about it and said.

  Huo Ning squeezed out a cold smile at her: "It's nothing, I will keep coming to get the medicine. If I don't come to get the medicine at all in the future, I will get back the remaining silver taels."

   "Okay." Ye Muyu nodded decisively.

   "No." At the same time, a voice sounded.

Lu Sangqi stood up quickly, and when he walked over to look at Huo Ning, he frowned slightly, moved his mouth, and said in a low voice: "I said, your jade pendant can't be used, if you need medicine, just tell me, even if you can't pay for it , don’t I still have it?”

  Complexity flashed in Huo Ning's eyes for a moment, and he resolutely refused: "No, how can I take your medicine from Doctor Lu for nothing."

  Lu Sangqi said firmly: "Why do you call me to take my medicine for nothing? Didn't I say that you should owe it first, and pay it back when you have money."

   "I don't have the habit of owing people money." Huo Ning has always refused.

  Maybe because she saw Ye Muyu standing next to her, she turned her head, passed Lu Sangqi, and looked directly at Ye Muyu: "Can you prescribe the medicine for me? I have a prescription."

   "..." Ye Muyu sighed in her heart, and looked at Lu Sangqi: "Little doctor Lu, what do you think?"

   "I'm going to pick up the medicine."

  At this time, Lu Sangqi could no longer care about the fact that Ye Muyu would find out that his relationship was not going well.

   After walking over.

Ye Muyu just smiled at Huo Ning: "Since you insist on giving money, I naturally respect you, but I see that the jade pendant is also very important to you, so how about you **** the jade pendant to the shop, and the two hundred You take the two pieces of silver, and later, if you are willing, you can bring the silver to redeem the jade pendant, the jade pendant will not be sold in the shop."

  Huo Ning hesitated: "This is too much, my jade pendant was only two hundred taels when I bought it."

  (end of this chapter)

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