Chapter 2197 Care

   "How about it, is my idea good?"

   "Well, it's great." Chu Heng leaned over and kissed her tender lips.

  Ye Muyu gave him a helpless look: "This matter requires you to go to the emperor to discuss cooperation."

   "The emperor doesn't need to pay money. The imperial decree is considered to be the emperor's joining. At that time, we will find someone to discuss cooperation."

"Forget it in the capital city. We don't need any partners. Local shops are still needed. For prefectural cities, we can find two or three, and for counties, we can find one or two. In short, in the end, we are sure that our share will reach 50% Only then can we have the right to control it." After all, it was her own shop, and she didn't expect that in the end, she would be doing free work for others.

  Emperor Xuanming would still be able to bear it. After all, this person controls his own life and death. She and Chu Heng's forces are not yet capable of confronting each other, making friends, and doing things with less trouble.

   But other people are different. You can’t let them take advantage of too much, just get as much as you want, otherwise the whole cooperation will be unstable if your appetite grows.

   "In this case, give the emperor 30% to 40%." Chu Heng weighed Emperor Xuanming's mind as a superior.

   If it’s a small business, it’s fine. If it’s a big business, I’m sure I’m not willing to let it go. Now the emperor can’t get used to the aristocratic family the most.

"That's enough." Ye Muyu smiled slyly: "The remaining 10% or 20% will be shared equally with the other collaborators. With the emperor at the front, they dare not refute even if they are unwilling. On the contrary, I am still afraid and dare not make a move."

"After all, if you choose to join, you can make some money, and you can make a lot of money. If you are tempted by pinyin books alone, it is a serious crime to behead. There is no need to let go of the good road for this benefit. I guess even the greedy heart I can't even give birth, but I will be very satisfied with the envy of others."

  People are like this, if the difference is not too big, they will be jealous, but against an opponent that they have no chance of winning, they will be very happy to be able to make some points, so why would they choose to hit a stone with an egg.

   "Thank you." Chu Heng kissed her on the ear.

  Ye Muyu felt her ears were itchy, she quickly retreated, and stretched out her hand to cover his mouth, but her palms were wet again, and she was so angry that she squeezed his face hard with her backhand.

  Chu Heng quickly grabbed her hand, but he didn't stop her from pinching herself, with a look of connivance on his face, and he didn't respond when his face was pinched red.

   "Okay, I won't talk about it."

   "Obviously yes, don't make random kisses." Ye Muyu couldn't help rolling her eyes when she saw that he was still diverting her attention.

   "It's not a random relationship, it's obviously very serious." Chu Heng retorted.

  Ye Muyu stared: "You still say."

   "Well, what the lady said is right."

  Ye Muyu said with a wooden face: "Are you implying that I am too powerful? In fact, our family follows freedom and democracy. If you have something in your heart, just say it."

  At this time, how could Chu Heng follow her words? He quickly hugged her waist and repeatedly explained his innocence softly.

   "Hmph, forget it, I'll let you go." Ye Muyu couldn't see that he was showing weakness.

  But since he showed weakness, she won't hold on to it anymore.

   "I'm going to take a shower and wash up, and you should rest earlier."

  Chu Heng hummed, "Go ahead, I'll help you choose the clothes and bring them to you in a while."

  (end of this chapter)

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