Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2205: Huo's second room

  Chapter 2205 The second room of the Huo family

   Besides, she has offended a lot of officials, such as Qi Shangshu, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Taifu Deng. These people are not small in the capital.

  People who want to be engaged to Chu Jin.

   It may not be sincere.

   I just want to take advantage of it.

  Of course there are those who do not participate in it, but the number is extremely small.

  If the madams who offended really wanted to take revenge, guessing that something might happen on the day of the banquet, if they were framed at random, it would be her face that would be lost.

"Ma'am, have you forgotten? It is impossible for servants in the house to be bribed, and there is also a rule that they cannot move around randomly. If someone wants to make trouble, we will catch him on the contrary." Sumei rationally analyzed with her : "What's more, Ma'am, your position will become higher and higher in the future, and the master will be reused by the emperor. When the young masters and ladies get married, this kind of banquet will be the norm. Instead of resisting, why not adapt to it?"

  Ye Muyu remained silent.

   He didn't speak for a while.

  Sumei quickly knelt down and slapped herself: "Ma'am, it's the servant who is talking too much."

   "No, what you said makes sense." Ye Muyu shook his head lightly: "Although this kind of banquet is troublesome, it is indeed indispensable. If it is missing, there will still be other troubles."

   "It's better to control this matter, and it won't be difficult in the future."

  Ye Muyu finally decided to face the difficulties, called Sumei up, and asked her to write a reply letter to the person who handed in the greeting card.

  Using the pretext of viewing flowers, invite a banquet three days later.

   In this way.

  The government is about to make preparations early.

  Ye Muyu handed over the matter of entertaining guests to Chu Ziluo.

  Chu Ziluo heard this, patted her chest and said: "Mother, don't worry, leave it to me. I have been very experienced in this kind of thing recently."

   "Since the purpose of these ladies is pinyin, let's find a teacher and demonstrate it to these ladies on the spot, which can fundamentally solve the problem."

  Ye Muyu nodded happily: "Okay, do you need to prepare a mahjong table?"

   She said with a smile.

  Chu Ziluo burst out laughing upon hearing this.

"Mother, you are so cramped. Recently, playing mahjong is very popular in the capital. I heard that many wives spend their days in the back house for entertainment, and there are few internal fights. If they are brought to the mahjong table, they will probably forget about it." It's time to do it."

  Ye Muyu picked up the teacup and took a sip, sighing quietly: "I can't help it, four women in one drama, so many women, how many dramas are there?"

"Mother, it seems that you are suitable for reading books and listening to music at home. These ladies in the back house are boring. They are very happy when they attend the banquet. They can't wait to wear all the precious things at home. Showing off is also a happy thing." about it." Chu Ziluo said frankly.

  Ye Muyu said: "If they are more simple-minded, I will not resist."

   "I'm afraid that if you don't pay attention, a hole will be dug for you." Ye Muyu thought, if she was vigilant and stepped in, her expression would be uglier than eating shit.

   "Actually, calculations are quite interesting." Chu Ziluo didn't think it was a big deal, and even enlightened her.

  Ye Muyu heard it, looked at her own girl, and suddenly realized that the girl she thought was a white girl, seemed to have turned into a black girl at some point?

   "By the way, mother, the second wife of the Huo family will also come this time." Chu Ziluo said after reading the invitation letter.

  The second wife of the Huo family she mentioned here does not refer to Huo Zhengming's family, nor Huo Hongyan's family, but Huo's son-in-law's family.

  The son-in-law died young.

  (end of this chapter)

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