Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2207: can't speak

  Chapter 2207 can't speak

   "Really? Mrs. Chu, you can't lie, otherwise when I go back, the old man at home won't be able to figure it out, and I'm afraid he will say I'm lying."

   "Does Mrs. Chu like to read books on weekdays? No wonder she can even study something so peculiar as pinyin."

  Ye Muyu smiled slightly: "Mrs. Mo, I definitely believe that there is strength in numbers."

"Mrs. Liu, you, I'm afraid I skipped reading the newspaper. I didn't research the pinyin. I just summed up the experience of the predecessors and helped sort it out." Ye Muyu also knows that this is how Mrs. Liu speaks. .

  Because the back house is relatively chaotic, she has a resentful vibe, and often offends people when she speaks.

  However, it's better than being scheming. As for speaking, it's a big deal to go back. Anyway, even if the other party is angry, he won't think of scheming or anything.

   Madam Liu curled her lips: "The emperor has given rewards, what is the difference with the author."

   Mrs. Huo took a sip of tea. The ladies present here are all older, but Mrs. Huo has the biggest face except Ye Muyu.

   "Ahem, Mrs. Liu, are you judging the emperor for doing something wrong?"

   Mrs. Liu's originally sour expression became flustered, and she said angrily: "Mrs. Huo, don't you mean to wrong me? When did I judge the emperor's right or wrong?"

   "I... I don't want to talk about it."

  The corners of Ye Muyu's mouth twitched slightly. Seeing that Mrs. Liu still had some resentment, as if she was so angry that she didn't dare to resist, she felt somewhat aggrieved.

  She felt a little... refreshed for a moment.

  Holding up the teacup to cover the corners of the raised lips, sure enough, it will make you feel better when you look at someone deflated.

  The other ladies also quickly brought back the atmosphere.

  Since it comes to pinyin.

  Ye Muyu simply took out the prepared gifts.

  Each person gave a copy of books related to pinyin.

   also called the female master.

  Taught a few ladies a simple lesson.

  Not to mention whether they can read or not, in short, they are very interested in meeting novel gadgets.

  With the lessons learned from Mrs. Liu before.

  The other ladies are quite polite.

  No more moths came out.

  Ye Muyu invited a few more ladies for lunch before sending them away.

   Wait for Ye Muyu to finish entertaining the guests.

   Only then did she care about Chu Ziluo's progress.

  Chu Ziluo also has the habit of taking a lunch break.

   Just drop by and see her first.

Hearing this, she smiled and said: "Mother, it's almost done. I have also ordered what each servant should do, and how many servants are there to serve in each place. I have also ordered the meals in the kitchen." Mother, do you want to see it?"

   "Besides that, I found that there are still too few servants in our house." Chu Ziluo deeply remembered not to be used by others in his own house.

  She doesn't want to take the blame.

   With such an arrangement, there are too few people.

  Because they are all entertaining female relatives, it is inconvenient for the servants, so they can only use maids.

   "You don't need to waste too much, let them be responsible for serving the dishes. They should be in groups of two at any time."

   "Young servants can still entertain outside the gate of the courtyard, but in the inner courtyard, all maids are used. Is this enough?"

  Ye Muyu asked while taking the menu she had drawn up to read.

  Chu Ziluo calculated the manpower.

   Freed up the maids who work in the kitchen and the maids who greet guests outside the door, there are more than 30 maids left in the entire backyard.

   There are barely enough manpower to entertain twenty or thirty ladies.

   "If it's not enough, go to the housekeeper for help." Ye Muyu thought for a while and said.

  (end of this chapter)

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