Chapter 2219 Looking for trouble

  But she originally wanted to help Huo Ning because of Uncle Lu, and she didn't dislike Huo Ning's character, and she didn't mind having one more friend.

  Hearing the words, he just nodded with a smile: "Okay, if necessary, I will."

  With a character like Huo Ning, if she is hypocritical with her, it is estimated that the other party will feel uncomfortable when she hears it. If you are more polite, the other party will be much more comfortable.

  Chu Ziluo is used to observing people's hearts.

   Sure enough, Huo Ning was obviously softer towards her, not so alienated and defensive.

   Wait for a banquet to end.

  It's almost sunset.

   After Chu Ziluo told the servants of the mansion to pack up the banquet place, she went to the main courtyard to meet Ye Muyu. As soon as she entered the courtyard, she saw Sumei come out of the house in a hurry.

  Seeing her, Sumei stopped for a moment, and took the initiative to say hello.

  But still let Chu Ziluo see the anxiety she just covered up.

   "Did mother rest?"

  Sumei shook her head: "The girl is here, go in directly, Madam hasn't rested yet."

   "Okay." Chu Ziluo didn't ask if Sumei was okay, she was more willing to ask her mother directly than to ask the servants.

   Seeing her go in, Sumei left in a hurry.

  Chu Ziluo walked into the room, and saw Ye Muyu changed into a different outfit, not the one she wore in the morning, and was sitting on the soft couch, looking at something with her hands.

  Hearing the voice, he raised his head: "Ziluo is here? Come here and rest for a while, you have worked hard today."

  Chu Ziluo saw that there were no other servant girls in the house, so she asked the two servant girls of Neng Ya to stay outside.

  After she walked over, she poured a cup of tea for Ye Muyu, and poured another cup for herself, before asking, "Mother, is something wrong?"

  Ye Muyu was a little surprised.

  Chu Ziluo said: "I saw Sumei going out just now, she seemed a little anxious."

   Now she understands, it seems that Sumei's emotions were discovered by her daughter, Ye Muyu knows that Chu Ziluo has always been careful, and Sumei is prudent in her work, ordinary people may not be able to see any emotions from her face.

   Seen by Chu Ziluo, Ye Muyu was not only not angry, but also very happy.

   "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that some people are dissatisfied that we can use Pinyin to make money, so they deliberately grab business outside." Ye Muyu was well prepared for this matter.

   Now, when Ye Muyu's banquet is held, even those who have not reacted will know the Chu family's plan.

  Those people did not dare to embarrass themselves publicly because of the imperial decree of Xuanming Emperor.

   privately attacked her estate.

   Want to ruin their reputation first.

   Presumably the official newspaper will also be targeted because of this.

  She called Sumei out, the person who asked Sumei to deal with troubles in the shop with Butler Luo.

  After hearing this, Chu Ziluo was a little annoyed: "Mother, do you know who is dealing with us?"

"There are quite a lot of people." Ye Muyu said without a smile on hearing the words: "Qi Shangshu and Xiang Cheng, these two directly push others to do it, and it won't be lost to them. I'm afraid they are worried that we have too much money. , running on the business of the bookstore under their name."

"However, the most important thing is that these aristocratic families feel uneasy." Ye Muyu frowned: "Why reading is expensive is not only a matter of papermaking, but also the reason why the aristocratic families control books. Shen Yan's persistent illness cannot be solved casually, these are trivial matters now, and they are just testing each other."

  After hearing this, Chu Ziluo pondered for a moment and said, "Mother, since this is the case, let's find allies."

  (end of this chapter)

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