Chapter 2222 Confession

   "The kid can't recognize the other person's face. It is unlikely to find the person behind it." Chu Heng persuaded him of the actual situation.

  Ye Muyu frowned for a moment, "Then what are you going to do, Ah Heng?"

   "In the final analysis, we admit that this matter is the fault of the restaurant, which damages the reputation of the restaurant and somewhat affects the business, but is the other party's purpose as simple as that?" Chu Heng considered the biggest loss.

   To him, it really wasn't a big deal.

   After all, reputation is something that can be redeemed.

  Ye Muyu also understood what he meant. After all, modern times have seen too much control of public opinion in a certain entertainment circle, but it's really not a big deal.

   "Let's check again." Ye Muyu pondered: "I have arranged for people to investigate privately, especially to keep an eye on a few families. If there is a reaction, maybe I can find something."

"There is a housekeeper in charge of the restaurant, don't worry, don't you have other things to do?" Chu Heng kissed her forehead, squinted his eyes where he couldn't see, and planned to take the initiative to deal with the case There is no need to bother Ye Muyu.

  Ye Muyu rubbed her hot ears: "Well, I know, anyway, it will take at least a month for the Jingyuan to be repaired, so I can just sort out the articles that have been published in the official newspaper."

   "Yes." Chu Heng was relieved when he saw that she was not disturbed.

   Early the next morning.

   It is the time for the morning court.

  Chu Heng has long been prepared.

  When he heard about the impeachment of the censor, he was as steady as a mountain and did not panic at all.

   Waiting for Guo Yushi to ask the emperor to transfer Chu Heng out of the official newspaper office on the grounds that the Chu family's business was dishonest and harmed the people.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Chu is responsible for too many official duties in the Ministry of War. Now, there is such a life lawsuit in the store under his wife's name, but Mr. Chu chooses to cover it up. It is really unfair. Since the official newspaper is fair to everyone , This case should and should not be kept a secret, Mr. Chu already has selfish intentions, I am afraid it will be inconvenient to stay in the official newspaper office."

  Qi Shangshu had confronted Chu Heng a long time ago, and now he also stood up directly.

   "Your Majesty, my ministers seconded the proposal."

  He took the lead, and immediately a dozen officials followed.

The minister of the Ministry of Rites also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Chu is going to discuss the promotion of Pinyin with the academic officials of the Imperial College recently. I am afraid that he is not energetic enough to take care of the official newspaper. Pinyin is so important, Mr. Chu should put the country and society as the most important thing. "

  Xiang Cheng glanced at Chu Heng, but said nothing, although he did not stand up to support the suggestions of Qi Shangshu and other officials.

   But he himself did not stand up against it.

  The group of officials behind Elder Zhong Ge did not speak.

  Chu Heng also understands now.

  Yesterday’s accident in the restaurant was not aimed at the bookstore business. After all, Emperor Xuanming joined the bookstore business. Officials, if they dare to directly oppose the emperor, they are afraid of being hated and losing their sacred hearts.

   No wonder.

  Chu Heng chuckled in his heart.

   It was aimed at his official position from the very beginning!

   The scheme is not small.

  Emperor Xuanming squinted his eyes and looked at the next officials headed by Qi Shangshu. He didn't respond, but turned his head and looked at Chu Heng who was silent, and asked, "Chu Aiqing, is this a fake?"

"Returning to the emperor, there was indeed an accident in a restaurant yesterday, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice has interrogated it according to the law. The reason is food poisoning. The chef of the restaurant used foreign seasonings, and he ate too much with the food that contradicted it, resulting in an accident. .”

  (end of this chapter)

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