Chapter 2228 calculation

  In a place he didn't see, the tall and thin man looked at him with pity in his eyes.

   "Yeah, I made a lot of money." He curled his lips and said.

   An hour later.

  When the middle-aged man heard the result, he almost thought that there was something wrong with his ears.

   "What? What is Jingyuan?"

The thin and tall man pretended to comfort him, "Old He, don't you know? This gamble was decided based on the answer of the butler of the Chu Mansion today. After all, it is still too early for Yonghe to open the next shop. How could it be possible to announce the results now, and the steward of the Chu Mansion answered Jing Yuan, who obviously did not open a bookstore."

  The middle-aged man almost fainted after hearing this.

  In fact, within less than a stick of incense, he wept bitterly, and was grabbed by the casino staff with tears on his face, and escorted home to ask for money.


  The female family members of the He family heard the voice, and what they saw was that the old man and the old man were brought in by the casino thugs for a deposit, and they looked in a mess.

"Are you all from the He family? He owes us six hundred taels of silver to the casino. If you don't pay it, you can only sell yourself. If it is not enough, you will be slaves, and you have to continue to pay it back!" The thug looked ferocious, looked at the two female family members of the He family and said.

   Mrs. He almost fainted when she heard it.

   Didn't dare to accept the fact at all: "Six... six hundred taels?"

   "Father, you told me it was false, it's impossible! How could it be six hundred taels!" He's parents-in-law was even more frightened and trembling with anger.

When the old man saw his relatives, his original fear dissipated in an instant, wiped his weeping face, and said with some resentment: "Where is Da Lang, call him out, it's all because of this naughty son, what kind of bad news did you tell me?" !"

   "The master behind Yonghe obviously wanted to open the garden first, and what he said was a bookstore, which caused me to lose so much money!" Old man He is a gambler, and if he loses, he won't blame himself for being driven by interests.

   On the contrary, he thought it was the housekeeper of the Chu family who harmed him.

  Thinking of his own kid talking about how benevolent and righteous the Chu family is, he can't stand it now. He feels that the Chu family is deliberately harming people. If he hadn't heard from his son, he wouldn't hesitate to borrow money to gamble so much.

  He Dalang heard the noise, and after he came out to listen, his lips trembled with anger: "Father, you go to gamble again, I will beat you to death!"

   "Nizi, you still dare to hit me."

  Old man He cursed back confidently.

  He Dalang fainted from anger.

  He didn't know, after he passed out.

   Not long after, Mrs. He took He's parents-in-law and ran to the Chu Mansion, seeking Ye Muyu's help.

  If it is sixty taels, they can still pay by gritting their teeth.

   But now it's six hundred taels, even if they sell their whole family, they can't get it together.

   Besides, everyone in the gambling house knew that there was someone behind them. They didn't want the Chu family to help pay the debt, but they just wanted to ask the Chu family for help. At least they couldn't let the casino people take the children away today.

  The two women were in a daze because of their children. They only had one thought: the Chu family is a good person, and they would be saved if they asked Master Chu and Mrs. Chu for help.

  When the porter at the back door heard a knock on the door and heard two people begging to see his wife, the porter hesitated for a while and said: "Madam is not at the house, if you have something to do, you can come back in two hours."

  The two women of the He family were a little desperate after hearing this.

  (end of this chapter)

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