Chapter 2232 Warning

  Sumei didn't quite understand what she meant by this statement, but she didn't ask too much.

   About two quarters of an hour passed.

  Ye Muyu met the two female relatives of the He family in her guest room.

Mrs. He and Mrs. He's parents and daughter-in-law passed by all night, and their eyes were blue. It looked like they had cleaned up before they came, but they couldn't hide the tiredness on their faces, especially Mrs. He, whose white hair made her look like she had aged ten years overnight. age.

   Both of them were a little cautious when facing Ye Muyu.

   "If you have something to say, you can speak directly, don't worry too much, what to do, I have to listen to what you said before responding." Ye Muyu took a sip of tea, and opened his mouth first.

  She knew that if she didn't speak, the two of them would hesitate for a long time.

Sure enough, perhaps sensing that her attitude was not tough and her words were very kind, the daughter-in-law of He's parents knelt down with a plop: "Madam, please, please save our family. My father didn't do it on purpose, he We were also framed. We are responsible for this matter. We dare not bother Madam too much. We just want Madam to come forward and let the casino give us time. If we hadn’t been fighting to death today, those people would have dragged all the children in the family Go out and sell it."

   Pozi He also knelt down, coaxing her eyes, kowtowed without saying anything, and her forehead turned red after a while.

  Ye Muyu raised her hand, frowning slightly: "You guys get up first."

   Ye Muyu is still not used to kowtowing to herself.

  Sumei didn't need her to order. After she finished speaking, she walked over and forcibly pulled the two kowtowers up.

  The daughter-in-law of He's parents looked at her with some panic, and after only one glance, she didn't dare to look directly.

   Pozi He was even more tearful and dejected.

   "Sit down first, I know about this, I'll send someone over to the casino to say, it's definitely not allowed to pull people to sell now."

   "If something happened to your family some time ago, I want to take care of it, but I can't take care of it. After all, the gambling house operates according to the rules."

"Since the gambling in the gambling house is not forced, it is voluntary. If you lose, you have to admit the bet, don't you think so?" Ye Muyu didn't have any good feelings for the old man who likes to gamble and hurt his whole family. Anyway, old man He didn't take care of this matter.

  Of course, if it wasn't for his own reasons, old man He wouldn't suffer so badly this time.

   Ye Muyu won't even blink her brows for those who should be responsible by herself, but she won't let the people below develop the habit of relying on herself for everything. What should be made clear must be made clear.

  He’s parents-in-law’s face was pale, her lips were so dry, she looked a little dazed, revealing an air of despair: "Yes, yes... Father-in-law went to the casino voluntarily."

  When she finished speaking, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength. She was unwilling to admit it before, but now that she was stripped away, she had to accept the truth no matter how uncomfortable she was.

   Mrs. He cried and said, "My old man is not such an impulsive person..."

"So, next time someone wants to make a bet on my Chu family's affairs, you will bet your entire fortune on any news you hear, and you still want to blame me for not being clear about the news?" Ye Muyu could hear the resentment in her mouth. , looking at her indifferently, those eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, which made Mrs. He's careful thinking be punctured, and she lowered her head in fear.

   "Don't dare to..."

   "Yes, it's because I don't dare, not because I don't want to." Ye Muyu's voice was a little cold.

  (end of this chapter)

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