Chapter 2234 Beating

   Simplify these problems, change the soup without changing the medicine, and use it for Tang Dongfeng, which is also very suitable.

  The letter has just been delivered.

   It was delivered by the secret guard arranged by Chu Heng, and Ye Muyu was not afraid that the letter would be intercepted.

  Sumei came back.

   "Ma'am, according to your instructions, this servant revealed your intentions to the female family members of the He family."

"The female family members of the He family heard that you did not prohibit other members of the He family from going to the Yonghe shop to find work, and they were very grateful. The servant girl also hinted that the two of them can spread the news. Judging by their appearance, they will probably help the family to beat them when they go back. Some of those who do the work."

  Ye Muyu nodded, quite satisfied, "Be more careful, betrayal is not terrible, the important thing now is to take advantage of the good opportunity to win people's hearts."

  It is always more important to win people's hearts than to care about those who betrayed.

  Of course, there are ways to deal with betrayed people.

  He family women's side.

   After going back.

   Not long.

  The people in the casino dispersed.

   There has always been a good relationship with the He family. In the He family, this scene is seen in the eyes.

  Wait for the people from the casino to leave, then hurriedly dragged He's mother-in-law into the door, and asked in a low voice, "Is it really settled with all the money paid by Madam?"

   "Yes, it's all the money given by the wife and the people sent to negotiate with the people in the casino." Mrs. He didn't look very happy on her face.

The friend patted her on the shoulder: "This is a good thing. I have been in the capital for so many years. Where can I find such a good master? It's fine if I don't cheat us. Now I'm willing to spend six hundred taels of silver for it." , You didn’t even blink your eyes, how generous you are.” The woman blinked her mouth as she spoke, she was very excited, and she thought that Yonghe was a good place, and she must not leave.

  Grandma He forced a smile.

   "What's the matter?" Seeing her reluctant expression, the woman didn't seem to be really happy, and asked.

  He’s daughter-in-law said with red eyes: “Madam said, our family’s troubles have affected the shop, and my Dalang will never have the chance to make mistakes again. Once he makes a mistake, he must leave, and there will be no next time.”

  As soon as the woman heard this, she understood why the two had solved their problem and their faces were not looking good.

  She reassured her with some sympathy: "Well, you just take it as it is. You made six hundred taels for nothing. With so much silver, Da Lang would have to earn it for decades."

  He's parents-in-law couldn't laugh at all, the six hundred taels of silver were not her own from beginning to end.

  The woman didn't stay any longer. She was actually very surprised and happy when she heard the ending. This job is really good. She has to go back and tell her son.

  The news spread among all the workers under Yonghe shop.

  The people I was looking for at the time were not looking for trouble.

  Most of them were very grateful in their hearts, saying that they must work hard and must not lose this job.

at the same time.

   At the casino.

   Tang Dongfeng wore a nice satin dress and swaggered into the casino.

   As soon as he entered, he was noticed by many people.

  Tang Dongfeng only had two servants behind him.

  He walked in.

   Randomly walk to a place where dice are rolled to buy big and small, squeeze away the gamblers who are watching the fun, and directly take out ten taels of silver and put it in the small place.

   "This man is generous."

   Tang Dongfeng waved his hand: "They're all here to play, don't be generous, let's play a couple of random games first."

  Many gamblers are regulars in the gambling house. They glanced at him and saw that they didn't recognize him. They shook their heads slightly, thinking that this person was a fat sheep with a silly head.

  (end of this chapter)

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