Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2241: fall into the trap step by step

  Chapter 2241 Falling into the trap step by step

  He Guanshi couldn't hide, so he walked over and sat down opposite Tang Dongfeng.

  At the same time, someone was arranged to notify the person in charge of the casino.

   "Then let's play the most common one, how about rolling the dice?" Tang Dongfeng had a relaxed smile on his face.

  He Guanshi flashed contempt in his eyes, throwing dice is his old profession, and Tang Dongfeng chose this one to seek death.

Having said that, he still pretended to persuade him: "Master Tang, everyone in the casino knows how to throw dice, so I'm afraid it might bully you, but we can play a little bit, it's also quite fun, and we won't lose too much."

   "Thank you and the steward for reminding me, I, Tang Dongfeng, have nothing but money. Winning or losing depends on ability, and then just don't renege on your debt." Tang Dongfeng said enough.

  He Guanshi frowned slightly, feeling that Tang Dongfeng's words were full of hints.

   "If that's the case, let's start." The manager only hesitated for a moment, but didn't take it seriously.

   "Bet big or small first." Tang Dongfeng raised his chin and signaled the boy next to him to roll the dice.

  The boy saw and nodded to the steward.

   began to shake up.


  The two of them lost ten taels of silver at the same time, no matter how fast or slow they were, in a small gambling market.

  Li Shen actively watched the excitement: "Hurry up."

  The boy opened it and looked, one, two, three, they were really small.

   "Continue." Tang Dongfeng smiled and rolled his eyes.

   and the steward nodded to the boy.

   Next, ten rounds, ten bets with the steward, ten wins.

  Tang Dongfeng wins eight out of ten bets.

  In terms of listening to dice, his ability is considered good, but obviously it can't compare with Guanshi.

   Tang Dongfeng was not angry either: "Why don't we roll the dice with someone else now? Practice listening to the dice."

   The gamblers who watched the excitement around were a little uproar, thinking that Tang Dongfeng was too rich to come to the casino to practice listening to the dice, and he still learned the law with real money, how much tuition would he need to teach.

  I thought he was crazy.

   Li Shen didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. Hearing this, his eyes lit up, and he quickly raised his hand: "I'll shake it."

  He Guanshi was full of confidence in his heart, and he didn't think Tang Dongfeng could win, so he couldn't help thinking about what he came to the casino for.

  The silver ticket he won yesterday completely won back what was cheated by the casino.

  If only yesterday's thing.

  Why come here today to deliver food?

   Could it be that he still wants to teach the casino a lesson?

  He Guanshi chuckled in his heart, and he didn't take Tang Dongfeng seriously any more.

  Li Shen shook ten times.

  This time, He Guanshi still won all ten rounds.

  Tang Dongfeng also improved and only lost one game.

follow closely.

   Then they changed to other people, all of whom are regulars in the casino, some can play, some can't, it's a test of real skills.

  The next thirty innings.

   Tang Dongfeng lost two rounds.

  And He Guanshi lost a game.

   "Then now, let's roll the dice and compare the size?" Tang Dongfeng didn't feel discouraged at all when he lost. On the contrary, he was insanely addicted to gambling.

  He raised his eyebrows with the steward, thinking that maybe Tang Dongfeng really likes to play, he didn't show up before, it's all because he didn't play, and now he is addicted to it, what is the difference from those gamblers who have no self-control.

  The gamblers on the sidelines were even more lively, and the atmosphere was aroused by the competition between the two.

   "Since Master Tang likes it, I will naturally accompany you." He and the steward were happy to see Tang Dongfeng addicted to gambling.

   Two sets of dice.

  The two of them asked the people around them to help them shake.

  Ye Muyu stood aside, holding a dice cup in his hand.

  (end of this chapter)

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