Chapter 2254 Qinyuan

  Even if the Qi family united with everyone this time to pull him down from the official newspaper office, the effect did not meet expectations.

  And Ye Muyu can take action against the Qi family at will, and won 50,000 taels without being doubted, which was also taken into consideration in some of the preparations he arranged.

"It seems that we also have to change our original views. There are indeed some ordinary people in the world who have rich experience, and this knowledge can also be collected in the Qi family's library." After finishing speaking, Third Master Qi sneered again: "But Well, since Qi's bookstore intends to open it up to everyone, let's give them a push."

   "It just so happens that we can still learn all the content, teach our own people, and blame the Chu family when we make mistakes. If there are too many times, the Chu family's idea of ​​winning the hearts of scholars will be shattered."

  Third Master Qi chuckled when he said this, thinking that Chu Heng was just whimsical, and he only needs to give orders, and someone can keep making trouble for some books published by the Chu family.

  With too many times, those students will completely change their impression of the Chu family's worship. They will only think that the Chu family is trying to gain fame and reputation, and there is no standard at all.

  How well the Chu family’s reputation was managed before, how bad it will be in the future.

Qi Shangshu immediately understood what he meant, and stroked his beard: "Go, don't let anyone find us. Chu Heng is still in the official newspaper office. Although he is temporarily hindered, it is easy to ruin our reputation. If he doesn't make a move now, he is probably afraid of being retaliated by us."

   "Yes, big brother, little brother, I have always believed in the first to strike first."

   After the two talked.

   Within ten days.

  There is a new garden in the capital, which includes enjoying the scenery, playing chess, drinking and singing.

  Because of the large size of the garden, the decorations inside are refreshing, there are many ways to play, and the Qi family’s own contacts are there, many people join in.

   After all, it is a noble place, and does not entertain common people. In the family of the powerful, the reputation is not small,

  On the first day of opening, Mr. Qi invited his acquaintances and classmates to have fun together.

   Those who are invited are proud of it.

  Even Chu Fu's academy is spreading the word about it.

  Those young masters with high backgrounds started to show off in the school three days ago, and were invited by the eldest young master of the Qi family to play in Qinyuan.

  The news spread in the school instantly.

  Chu Fu likes to read, and he seldom gets together in school. When he heard the news, it was his friend Song Nian who told him.

   "Chu Fu, have you received the invitation letter?"

   "What?" Chu Fu was reading with a book in his hand. He was preparing for the exam next year, and he needed to prepare a lot. He usually put all his thoughts on reading and didn't care about playing and other things.

   Song Nian saw that his puzzled expression was not fake, and admired his hard work: "Your knowledge is already at the top of our Class A, and you usually work so hard, I feel ashamed."

   "The invitation I'm talking about is that this time the young master of the Qi family invited people to play in Qinyuan, and exchange knowledge by the way. I heard that many students from aristocratic families in the college have received it."

  When Chu Fu heard it, he took it for granted: "My family is an ordinary farmer, so naturally I won't receive an invitation letter. Aren't you talking nonsense?"

  Song Nian patted his mouth, "I was wrong, isn't it because your third uncle is Master Chu, with Master Chu around, who would dare to treat you as an ordinary person?"

   "So you didn't look at the classmates in the academy, although it was unpleasant to see you."

  (end of this chapter)

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