Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2260: reverse psychology

  Chapter 2260 Reverse Psychology

   "I need to lie in bed for half a month. I have prescribed these medicines. You will have someone write them down later."

  Li Shen moved so that the pain was so numb that the corners of his mouth were numb: "Is my injury not serious?"

   "It's also your luck, kid. If you continue the beating and your ribs poke your internal organs, you can just wait for the body to be collected." Lu Sangqi shook his head lightly: "Next time you go out, bring more people with you."

   "...Thank you." Li Shen gritted his teeth and said.

  Lu Sangqi went out after a while.

  A trace of hatred flashed in Li Shen's eyes.

  He directly called the boy to come in.

  The boy was also seriously injured, but only his leg, and now he came in with a cane.


   "Who is here to trouble me?" Even if Li Shen said a few words casually, he felt severe pain in his chest, and the hatred in his heart deepened.

  He is not a good person in the first place, and Tang Dongfeng became friends because of his like-mindedness, which does not mean that he has no temper.

   "Master, the servant only knows that those people seem to be found by Zhang San, saying that Zhang San's sister is gone, and Zhang San's family blames you for taking Zhang San to gamble, so they will kill you."

"Impossible." Li Shen vetoed it without even thinking about it: "Zhang San originally wanted to sell his sister to make money from gambling, and usually beat people secretly in private. Master Ben."

   People who have a bad relationship with Zhang San don't know this at all.

  Even Li Canneng knew that he was drunk with Zhang San by accident, and he only found out when his sister wanted to climb into bed.

  So, someone definitely paid for murder.

  Thinking of what the doctor said, he felt terrified for a while, and hated the person who attacked him behind his back.

   "Where are Zhang San and the others?" Li Shen gritted his teeth and asked.

   "I was escorted to the Yamen by the lord of the official newspaper. This time, the lord of the official newspaper rescued the young master."

  The person who reported to the government office?

   "You send someone to help me bring a message to Zhang San." Li Shen immediately thought of the Chu family and the Qi family.

  If it was said that it was the Chu family who attacked him this time, he didn't really believe it. After all, it didn't look like the Chu family's style, and he wouldn't resort to dangerous moves just to drive a wedge between himself and the Qi family.

   This is actually the method of the Qi family.

  But because it is so similar to the methods of the Qi family, from outsiders' perspective, it doesn't look like the Qi family's actions.

   But Li Shen is different. He seems carefree, but in fact he is very careful and knows the nature of people, so he never provokes people he can't afford.

  So he felt that the Qi family did it instead.

  Master Qi...

  Thinking of this person's means, although Li Shen was already prepared, he never expected that the other party would be so courageous and attack so quickly.

   This gave the other party a chance.

   "By the way, arrange more people at the gambling house. I suspect that the people behind me may even be able to do arson if they see that my injury is not serious enough. Don't be afraid of wasting manpower, keep an eye on me."

   "The news from my side, spread out that he is seriously ill." Li Shen finished his order in a few words.

   "By the way, go to Master Tang and tell him that if we can make a deal and find evidence of the Qi family's action, I can owe him a favor." Li Shen just finished ordering here.

  The Li family who got the news sent someone to pick him up.

  He just lay on the bed and pretended to be dead.

   Soon the news spread that the third young master of the Li family was beaten and seriously injured outside.

   And Tang Dongfeng also received the news from Li Shen.

  In fact, he also rubbed his hair a little angrily.

  (end of this chapter)

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