Chapter 2273 Training

  If something really happened, it would be very easy.

  When Zhang Zhi thought of what Chu Heng had done, he let out a sigh of relief, and finally chose to trust him.

  He really didn't want to make himself suspicious.

  Of course, it is indeed necessary to regain the manpower he sent over.

  The two didn't chat any more.

  When Qi Shangshu and Zhang Zhi set off, Chu Heng just stood with Zhong Ge and other officials and watched them leave.

  Mr. Zhong Ge stroked his beard. Under his official uniform, he wore a comfortable woolen sweater. He was getting older and more afraid of the cold. The woolen sweater was bought from the Chu family's shop.

  It is not only light and thin to wear, but also very warm, which can be said to be very suitable for the elderly.

  Last winter, he often fell ill and suffered from wind and cold, but this winter he was able to stand up, and he was fine after staying for so long.

   "Now, the capital may be quiet for a long time."

Huo Zhengming was also wearing a woolen sweater, with his hands in his sleeves: "Ziqiu can't be quiet. Around this time, when the cavalry battalion was established, even the Gyeonggi battalion will select a team. Don't you It's so cold, you still have to go to training?"

   Yes, although Chu Heng still holds an official position in the official newspaper office, most of the work has been handed over to Mr. Zhong Ge and others, and he was assigned by the emperor to the Gyeonggi Camp to train soldiers.

  Originally, Chu Heng just wrote down some cavalry training experience.

   After all, he has also been to the Northland, and he also has a subordinate like Xie Zhao. As a child born and raised in the prairie, he has been able to ride a horse since he was a child, and he knows some cavalry training methods better.

  Then Chu Heng wrote such a book based on what he said, combined with the experience of some generals from the Ministry of War who came back from the North, and so on.

  He has good reasons, and everyone in the barracks thinks he is a very powerful talent.

  Emperor Xuanming also knew that Chu Heng was easy to use, so he was not surprised that he wrote this book.

   Unexpectedly, Emperor Xuanming waved his hand and did not give rewards. Instead, he asked him to train the soldiers in the cavalry battalion. After training, they will give rewards together.

  Of course, this is actually the performance of Emperor Xuanming's trust in him.

  Chu Heng naturally accepted the task when he couldn't refuse.

   He took the general who was willing to provide him with the combat situation of the Beirong cavalry before, and went to the cavalry battalion for training.

  In the past, Chu Heng would not have been so easy to get people.

   After all, although generals are straightforward, they don’t have so many twists and turns.

  But most of the military generals who can't stand the different subordinates default to the opponent's people.

   This kind of acquiescence has forced many generals to belong to a certain faction. After Chu Heng asked the imperial physician to help provide prescriptions and made many imperial physicians famous, he gained fame.

  Chu Heng asked for help again with the same request.

   There are a lot of generals who are willing.

   This also gave those generals a reason to help him.

  Of course, these training methods must not be directly carried out in official newspapers.

   But classes can be held in the barracks.

  For these military generals, the common people will only respect a certain general because of a certain victory in a certain war, and it is quite difficult for them to become famous.

   But if they can provide some tricks to kill or protect themselves, so that more soldiers can survive, wouldn't they be grateful to these soldiers?

   And the fewer soldiers sacrificed, this is a record!

   In short.

  Chu Heng's actions in Gyeonggi Camp went smoothly.

  Even if Xiang Cheng wanted to make trouble for him, it would be trivial matters at most.

  (end of this chapter)

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