Chapter 2287 Shame

"After we entered the cavalry camp, Lord Chu arranged for someone to explain the training content to us. He even tried it first. We were all voluntary. Master Chu said before that these training contents are very dangerous. One Life could be lost if we are not careful, so let us choose voluntarily."

   "So, you are all voluntary?" Master Zhou finally knew what he thought was strange before, why didn't he see that the soldier had no resentment towards Chu Heng at all, and even had some support.

  Just from this point, he knew that the truth of the matter was definitely not what Mr. Xiang said.

  He breathed a sigh of relief. These witnesses proved Chu Heng's innocence, and he can confess to the emperor, and he is only in any trouble.

   Sure enough.

  The confessions of the next few soldiers interrogated were similar to what Zhao Wen said.

   Even, these wounded soldiers were treated with good wound medicine, and they were treated as usual. Chu Heng handled it so thoughtfully, no wonder these soldiers didn’t feel resentment towards him.

   However, this further shows that the information Mr. Xiang inquired before may be that Chu Heng deliberately lured you into the urn.

  If Xiangcheng doesn’t do anything, then that’s all.

  But he chose to impeach Chu Heng directly in front of the emperor in the court.

  After the truth comes out, Xiang Cheng may lose face.

   But this kind of thing.

   It's not the face Mr. Zhou considered.

   Originally thought it was a tricky case, but who would have thought that it would turn around and bring no trouble to Dali Temple.

Zhou Dasheng was afraid that Xiangcheng would get the news and make trouble for himself, so he didn't leave the case to his subordinates, so he quickly gathered up the testimony, etc., and combined with the confession interviewed from the Gyeonggi Camp, sent it to the hospital in a hurry while it was still early. palace.

   When he came out of the imperial study room, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   Wiping the sweat from his forehead.

   Leaving the palace briskly.

   And when Lord Zhou entered the palace, Xiang Cheng learned the news.

   "Why so fast."

   "Send someone to ask what's going on."

  Thus, before Mr. Zhou left the palace, Xiang Cheng inquired about the news from other officials of Dali Temple.

  After hearing the news that came back, he was so angry that he dropped an inkstone, his face flushed with anger.

   Fallen into Chu Heng's scheme again!

   Xiang Cheng was so angry that he cursed from the study.

  The servants in the courtyard were as quiet as cicadas.

   Until a secret letter was delivered to Xiang Cheng.

   When you see the above content.

  Xiang Cheng's eyes widened in surprise, then he calmed down and murmured twice: "No wonder... no wonder the emperor has been protecting him, and he has been helping the emperor make money."

   After reading the above content, Xiang Cheng burned all the contents on the letter paper.

   Instruct the people below not to make trouble for Chu Heng for the time being, at least to make friends with Chu Heng's people on the surface.

   Pay special attention to the movement of the Chu family.

   It seems that the Chu family can always have a lot of ways to make money?

   "The emperor has so much silver in his hands, so whoever is favored will naturally be favored." Xiang Cheng calmed down and realized that now he is not only going to fight against Emperor Xuanming, but on the contrary, he has to fight for the prince's favor.

  The power on the surface should be low-key.

   Zhou Tianqi didn't know Xiang Cheng's plan.

   But seeing that Xiang Cheng clearly knew that he had fallen into a trap, but still came to win him over, he simply followed the falsehood.

  He and the people in Xiangcheng couldn't talk about going together.

   But Master Chu is right.

  Without contact, how do you know what the other party is thinking? It is better to get some information than to be calculated suddenly.

  (end of this chapter)

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