Chapter 2290 Gratitude

   After all, she also actively sent people to plant trees.

Chu Heng's hand touched her waist, which made Ye Muyu feel a little itchy, and wanted to avoid it, but felt that it was unnecessary, so he simply let him pinch it, and finally slapped him away when he couldn't take it anymore. hand.

   "Don't make trouble." Ye Muyu looked at the scarf with a leak in front of her, a little upset.

  Chu Heng smiled, and put his head on her shoulder: "Isn't this to verify what you just said, after pinching, you haven't gained weight, don't be afraid."

   "Besides, it's good to gain weight, but it's not good to be thin like a bamboo pole."

  Ye Muyu gave him a meaningful look: "Oh, the bamboo pole is not good-looking, so you like plump beauties."

   "I don't like it, I only like you." Chu Heng kissed the corner of her mouth.

Ye Muyu failed to dig a hole for him, but she was taken advantage of, her ears were a little red, but she was in a good mood, she stretched out her hand and pushed his arm: "Don't hug him so tightly, do you want to wear a scarf? You're like me? I can't even move." Ye Muyu said this, but actually found a comfortable position, leaned against his arms, and continued to make the scarf.

  Actually, her female celebrity skills are really mediocre, completely inferior to that of Xiu Niang. What Chu Heng usually wears when going out, but the ones produced by Yonghe are of the best quality.

   Can't figure out why he's still not satisfied.

  Chu Heng didn't speak, but relaxed a little silently, and only started to deal with official business after ensuring that it would not affect her work.

  The two of them did their own thing tacitly.

   Even without speaking, the atmosphere is good.

  After Ye Muyu was halfway through weaving, he felt that it was getting late, and rubbed his eyes: "What time is it?"

   "It's time to go to bed." Chu Heng glanced at the sky and rubbed his eyebrows, unexpectedly he had forgotten the time.

   "Well, I just said, why are you so sleepy." Ye Muyu yawned.

  Chu Heng got up, "Go to bed after washing up, don't stay up late, it's not good for your health."

  Ye Muyu didn't refute this.

  Anyway, she has been busy and orderly recently, and there are only a few things to do, so she doesn't need to stay up late.

  She put down the wool, got off the soft couch, and asked Sumei to fetch some hot water. After washing up, she lay down on the bed first.

When Chu Heng came over, slept next to her, and hugged her into his arms, Ye Muyu remembered something while he was half asleep, leaning on his chest and muttering: "Don't forget to send someone to bring the gift back to the convoy. "

   "Understood, go to sleep." Chu Heng gently coaxed.

  Ye Muyu fell asleep after a while.

   In the following days, Ye Muyu stayed in the mansion and rarely went out.

  Even the landscape garden has been repaired almost, and the day-to-day helpers have finished their work and returned home.

  I got a good monthly silver, and I can use the ticket to buy low-priced cotton clothes produced by Yonghe Clothes Store.

  Yonghe Clothes Shop doesn’t have much cotton, so if you want to lower the price of cotton clothes, you have no choice but to limit them.

  Twenty pieces are sold every day, and you have to rely on your identity to buy them.

  Therefore, most poor people will wait at the door early, and if they come late, they will basically not be able to buy it.

  These part-time workers can get cotton clothes tickets, and they are even more grateful to Ye Muyu in their hearts.

  Especially when these people later heard that the person who usually worked with them turned out to be Mrs. Chu herself.

   became more and more excited.

   After all, with their identities, how can they work with the master's family, and their status is strictly hierarchical. In their eyes, Ye Muyu's actions are condescending.

  After leaving Jingyuan, when Ye Muyu found a part-time worker to work for him, everything went smoothly.

  (end of this chapter)

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