Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2293: tough attitude

  Chapter 2293 Tough attitude

   Naturally, the importance of text intrusion cannot be considered.

   "Your Majesty, this is a good thing." Chu Heng smiled slightly.

"Oh? How should I say it?" Emperor Xuanming knew that calling Chu Henglai was the right decision. He had already discussed it with Elder Zhong Ge. Regarding this situation, they felt that under the circumstances that they could control, it was not a big deal for Da Chu. what a bad thing.

  But to say it bluntly is a good thing, and with such certainty, only Chu Heng can do such a thing.

"Your majesty, think about it. In the future, people in the surrounding countries will know and learn Chinese characters. You think they will never use them after they learn them? As long as they want to use them, they will definitely read our Da Chu's books. Long, won't it affect it?"

   Regarding the influence of books, Chu Heng doesn't need to say that, as Emperor Xuanming, he understands the benefits better.

   After all, the famous burning of books and burying Confucianism, not to mention the specific history at that time, but what is hidden behind it is, in the final analysis, the rule of words.

  Mr. Zhong Ge sat next to him and stroked his beard: "So, not only can we not stop it, but we also support it?"

   "On the surface, we don't support it, but secretly, we want to let this kind of cultural development go." Seeing that Emperor Xuanming didn't show any resistance, Chu Heng nodded directly.

   "That's right, the less you can get, the better it is." Emperor Xuanming wanted to understand the key point, and couldn't help laughing.

"Just right, I still feel that the name of Pinyin is not famous enough, and the people of Dachu may not all accept it, so we can't waste such a good opportunity." Tell them both.

   It's just that when dealing with them, the attitude is a little gentler.

   Even left two of them to have lunch in the palace.

   After finishing their meal, the two went back to the yamen.

  Emperor Xuanming, after the two left, directly drafted a decree that all masters in Dachu Academy must teach Pinyin, otherwise it will not be allowed to stand. After this decree is issued.

  In an instant, there was an upsurge among the folk reading crowd.

  Some pedantic scholars are unwilling to accept the existence of pinyin and devalue it as worthless.

   But there are also scholars who highly respect pinyin.

  No matter how noisy the folks are, with this tough method, plus the compulsory subject of the children's examination, there will be pinyin.

  Let students and scholars who were originally unwilling to learn Pinyin and feel that it is not the right way, no matter how unwilling they are, they can only follow along.

   And just as the students who had passed the children's examination were rejoicing,

   I also heard that in the provincial examination and general examination, the content of arithmetic will be emphasized.

   One time.

  The scholars who heard the news all ran to the bookstore to buy books, and some exercise books produced by Yonghe Bookstore became the most bought by students.

  This book was written by Chu Heng and Mr. Zhong Ge.

   are all convoluted arithmetic, but the content is very rich.

   There are quite a few people who go just for the reputation of Elder Zhong Ge, not to mention that Chu Heng was once named and praised by the emperor as an official who does practical things.

  No matter what these students think, the books published by these two people must be read even if they are reluctant.

  In case the emperor also means this, there is a great possibility that the content of the relevant test questions will be found in the next township examination and general examination.

  As for old-fashioned ideas, they are not as important as official careers.

  Compared to these superior students.

   Many people in Dachu are more grateful for the appearance of pinyin.

  (end of this chapter)

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