Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 2297: Injured into Beijing

  Chapter 2297 Injured and Entering Beijing

   Don’t tell them all, let them see it in advance.

  How dare the young man, for fear of losing such a good life now, he doesn't want to be a homeless orphan anymore.

  But those people have been pestering him, coercing and luring him, all kinds of small troubles, and he is too embarrassed to disturb his wife.

  If it weren't for the fact that his wife wouldn't give him all the manuscripts, the boy wouldn't know what reason to reject those people.

  Because of this rule, he has a lot of reasons. Every time it is his turn to copy a novel, he makes up his mind not to go out for half a month.

  General ladies write a book in two or three months.

  He only needs to survive for half a month before he can live a normal life without any fear of offending others, so he must be grateful for his wife's protection. ·

   And now.

  Ye Muyu didn't have a manuscript for him to copy.

   was assigned to transcribe some old books recovered by the caravan, as well as some stories about craftsmanship and some detailed content of craftsmanship that I heard from some local craftsmen.

   These things were all brought back by the caravan.

   You know, they asked about the relevant content, but if there is a reward, they are naturally willing to do it.

   Even all the people in the Chu family's caravan are eloquent and familiar with each other. They have made many friends along the way, and their network has expanded so much that they didn't even realize it.

  Ye Muyu herself certainly doesn't have that much energy to sort it out, so she can only hand it over to a few students.

  She only needs to check whether there are any mistakes in the above content when the final version is finalized. In this way, the work is reduced a lot.

  Yonghe Bookstore has more and more books, earns a lot of money, and gradually makes a name for itself.

   This side.

  In the school.

  The master divided more than twenty children into five grades.

   Then arrange the class schedule according to Ye Muyu's instructions.

   Several masters take turns teaching.

  Masters are male and female, and the children who go to school are also a mixture of boys and girls. With the addition of Pinyin and arithmetic courses, the learning of more than two dozen children begins slowly.

  Ye Muyu has almost nothing to take care of.

  In such a day.

   Soon it will be the end of December.

At this moment.

   Qi Shangshu and Zhang Zhi returned to the capital.

   And the small countries around the big Chu sent envoys to the capital to congratulate.

   Qi Shangshu and Zhang Zhi came back with little movement.

   I didn't know the news until I was more than ten miles outside the capital.

   And Chu Heng had received the news a long time ago, and together with Xiang Cheng, he brought his men and horses to pick up the two people's convoy outside the city.

  Chu Heng sat on the horse, watched Xiang Cheng go up to meet him, and fought with Qi Shangshu.

  He rode to the carriage where Zhang Zhi was.

   reached out and knocked on the door of the carriage, "How did you get hurt?"

  Zhang Zhi was lying in the carriage with a weak face.

  Hearing his voice, he sat up, opened the car curtain, and smiled at him: "Master Chu, it's okay, the injury is not serious, it's just that it's too cold in winter and the long distance makes it look more serious."

   "Besides, it's not a loss to suffer this injury."

  Although Zhang Zhi looks pale, he is in good spirits.

  Chu Heng nodded, agreeing with his words.

"In this case, let's go to the city first." Chu Heng didn't say any more to him, and pulled the horse to the carriage where Qi Shangshu was, interrupting the conversation between the two who seemed to be complimenting each other, but in fact they were exchanging information. He said: "Lord Qi, Lord Xiang, it's getting late today, and Lord Zhang was injured again. It's not good for you to recuperate outside the city. Go into the city."

  Xiang Cheng became angry when he heard this.

  (end of this chapter)

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